Araucaria: care and reproduction


In the wild, it is found in the mountains of Argentina and can reach several tens of meters in height. Its characteristic feature is needle-shaped leaves, very reminiscent of needles. Of the coniferous plants, perhaps this is the only one that can be grown at home. Araucaria, like most other indoor plants, helps purify indoor air.

Among the araucariaceae, there are about fourteen species, which include narrow-leaved and heterogeneous araucaria, columnar and others. I must say that domesticated species bloom quite rarely. As for the crown of this tree, it has magnificent forms, often the branches of araucaria grow at right angles from the trunk, and the side view has a pyramidal outline.

Compared to common indoor flowers, araucaria prefers moderately cool air in the room, which is not always possible for amateur flower growers, because living in a room with an air temperature of 15 degrees Celsius is uncomfortable, including for other indoor plants. But, unfortunately, at high temperatures, the araucaria needles begin to turn yellow. And with an excess of moisture - droop. If there is not enough nutrition, then the shoots are drawn out and look awkward.

But with all this, it is necessary to ensure regular watering, preventing the soil from drying out. From spring to August, araucaria can be fed with mineral fertilizers for indoor plants, but only at a dose that is half the usual for flowers and with much less frequency - once every three weeks.

If other flowers are transplanted annually, and older than two years of age about once every two or three years, then araucaria is generally not recommended to be transplanted often, this is done once every five years.

Reproduction of araucaria

It is recommended to buy ready-made rooted specimens of this plant. But if, nevertheless, you set the task of self-reproduction, then keep in mind that you will have to work hard. Usually, an apical cutting is taken for propagation. To do this, they choose not the season of active growth, but, on the contrary, August. Planted in the sand, while maintaining the temperature of the soil is not lower than 25 degrees. And only by the beginning of next spring they are planted in a full-fledged soil, consisting of leafy, soddy, coniferous soil, humus and sand.

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