How to deal with depression at work?

The information presented in this article will help you understand the cause of such a problem as stress and teach you how to deal with depression at work. For employees of brokerage firms, for financiers and other people whose activities are related to business, work can adversely affect the nervous system. But how do you distinguish ordinary fatigue and irritation from serious problems with the nervous system that require intervention? In order to find out how to deal with depression at work, we will conduct a self-diagnosis.

Symptoms of Depression at Work: Top 10

There are several signs that work contributes to the emergence of a stressful situation.

Here are the 10 most common symptoms:

  1. Apathy . A symptom of an apathetic state is complete indifference to ongoing events, even if they relate to the performance of work duties.
  2. depression . As a rule, it is expressed in melancholy and depression of the psyche. All the events that take place seem gloomy and meaningless. Often there is a deterioration in mood and reduced self-esteem.
  3. Nervousness . Any previously familiar stimuli now have a stronger effect on the psyche. It would seem that a person who is prone to nervousness may react inadequately to a completely normal question or action of another person. It can be expressed in a cry or a loud protest.
  4. Chronic fatigue. Physical fatigue, which accumulates over time, can be caused by active actions that were previously habitual for a person.
  5. Decreased sex drive . A decrease in desire can be expressed in a weakening of an erection or in dysfunction; during this period, early ejaculation is possible.
  6. Numbness of the upper and lower extremities . These symptoms are manifested by tingling of the tips of the fingers and toes, and sometimes complete numbness of the extremities.
  7. Decreased immunity . During a period of weakening of the nervous system, there may be a particular susceptibility to viral diseases and colds, as well as problems with the gastrointestinal tract and sleep disturbance.
  8. A set of unwanted excess weight.
  9. Jumps in blood pressure . Headaches or arrhythmia may contribute to high or low blood pressure. These sensations lead to heart problems.
  10. Significant reduction in vision. During the exhaustion of the nervous system, it is possible that visual acuity will decrease significantly and visual perception will deteriorate.


And yet, how to deal with depression at work? Handing out generic recipes is a thankless task. You should consult a psychologist, because the reasons for this situation are different for everyone, and you are a unique person, so in order to know how to deal with depression at work, you also need to look for a unique way out.

If you want to build on the advice given by psychologists in glossy magazines, then here are some of them:

  • Citrus fruit will help you fight stress. Eat an orange. These fruits contain a lot of vitamin C, which can fight apathy and fatigue.
  • Go in for sports . A short run, a few dozen squats, leg swings. Choose what you like best and start doing it. After some time, a large amount of endorphins will enter your body, which will help get rid of stress.
  • Drink some water . The appearance of stress in the body contributes to dehydration. Therefore, the more water in your body will be, the easier it will be for him to cope with difficulties.
  • Set yourself up positively . Instead of thinking about the reason for the rudeness of the boss, imagine yourself on the ocean or islands.
  • Buy yourself something tasty . You can eat a couple of slices of dark chocolate. It will definitely make you feel better. But don't get carried away.
  • Take a relaxing bath . When you get home from work, pick up some relaxing bubble bath or bath salt.
  • Sign up for a massage. And here, based on your wishes, you can choose any type of massage, both relaxing and therapeutic.
  • Turn off your mobile phone for a while . If your work is connected with communication with people with whom we especially do not want to communicate, then in your free time, save yourself from all sorts of calls.
  • Practice meditation . Try to relax for at least 5 minutes and not think about anything.

Emotional and physical exhaustion of the body from work

The exhaustion that long-term strenuous work causes can provoke an aversion to the activity itself. If disgust has already appeared, then it is unlikely to leave you soon. Moreover, when exhaustion occurs, it is impossible to switch to something else.

To understand how to deal with depression at work and help your body recognize the problem, here are some more symptoms:

  1. Irritability for no reason , short temper, sudden outbursts of anger, loss of sense of humor;
  2. Predominance over other feelings, feelings of uselessness and worthlessness . With the influence of negative emotions on positive ones, fear, anger, fatigue and impotence are observed.
  3. Difficulties arise that lead to conflicts with colleagues . The words of other people can only be regarded as hostility.
  4. Decreased quality of work . This symptom is the cause of dissatisfaction with your work of colleagues and superiors.
  5. The desire to hide and withdraw into oneself when loved ones try to find out about your problem.

Having only one of the listed symptoms, you need to understand that your tired body needs rest and urgent help, since it can no longer cope with this condition on its own. If the body is exposed to prolonged stress for a long time, which can be caused by hormonal processes, then this will eventually lead to moral exhaustion.

Stages of depression

Before the body is completely depleted, it will go through 2 stages:

  1. shock;
  2. resistance.

At the stage of shock, the body quickly responds to stressful situations caused by hormonal changes in the form of rapid heartbeat and breathing. These factors may be imperceptible to consciousness, which is busy with completely different things.

At the stage of resistance, the nervous system continues to fight the destructive effects of stress, while releasing large portions of hormones that suppress shock states for a long time. The stage of exhaustion occurs when the stress has not yet stopped, and the hormone reserves have already run out.

Causes of depression

The reason for the occurrence of exhaustion due to work is the discrepancy between the capabilities of the employee to the requirements.

But the occurrence of serious stress can also be provoked by some positive aspects, for example, emotions, which, combined with fatigue, can throw a person off balance. In order to understand how to deal with depression at work and begin to eradicate work exhaustion, you must first meet the following conditions:

  1. It is advisable to consult a doctor with a problem , since a complete examination of the body is never superfluous, and a visit to the doctor can help you identify the problems that are present in your body, while outlining an action plan.
  2. To begin to act, it is necessary to find out the causes of stress. In order for you to understand the reasons, you need to take a break from work for a while in order to try to identify those factors that give rise to a stressful state. These factors include any negative impacts that have occurred recently, as well as a positive impact, in which the body needs to adapt to changing conditions.

In identifying the cause of stress, you need to take into account the requirements placed on you by management, the support that it provides for the quality implementation of these requirements, and some restrictions.

Methods of getting rid of stress factors

Among the methods are:

  • An in-depth conversation with a manager about improving the working environment or about the possibility of training employees to help you, which will affect the overall success of the company.
  • It is necessary to clearly allocate working hours and not perform work that is not part of your direct duties.
  • Do not take on someone else's work, even if it is not difficult for you at first. After all, the time spent on other people's affairs can affect your personal success.
  • In order to help your body in the fight against stress, it is necessary to resort not to the use of expensive drugs at all, but to sets of physical exercises followed by rest and relaxation.
  • Walking in the fresh air will also have a positive effect on the emotional state of the body.

How to deal with depression at work if the above methods do not help? Contact a psychologist and he will tell you how to act in your individual case.

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One Answer

  1. Anna

    The first step is to go to a psychologist. That's who will help improve the situation. Give confidence. Recharge with power. This is my experience. I share a useful link. My psychologist's name is Nikolai Baranov. All my life I will be grateful to him for the inner acceptance of myself. I wanted to cry, then laugh. Such different emotions, but at the same time so honest, so real. This is what life is.


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