How can you help your child believe in himself?

The formation of self-esteem is one of the important stages in the development of a healthy mature personality. And if parents want to raise a successful, self-confident person, then they must take care of this from a very young age.

The most important factor in the formation of a child's assessment of his abilities is the climate in the family. If a child is loved, understood, supported - this is the key to his adequate self-esteem.

But, unfortunately, it happens that even at school age, children have overestimated or underestimated self-esteem. In the first case, the child becomes aggressive, reacts harshly to criticism, or does not pay attention to comments at all. He tries to manipulate the weaknesses of other children, absolutely does not notice his shortcomings. A child with low self-esteem is very quiet and indecisive. Any difficulty is perceived by him as a global catastrophe.

A child with adequate self-esteem is self-confident, but can always admit his mistakes and ask for help. He appreciates himself and is able to appreciate others.

Where is this edge?

How can you help your child build self-esteem?

A very powerful weapon is praise. Praise is necessary, but you must be able to do it right. If a child gets something too easily or without effort on his part, this is not a reason for praise. It is important to support and encourage any of his aspirations, even if they seem ridiculous or unrealistic to you. Sometimes you can praise the child in advance for what will only be. So you stimulate him and instill confidence in yourself.

Punishment also directly proportionally affect the self-esteem of the child. They should not be too strict, the child should understand why he was punished, and never remind him of old sins. There was a misdemeanor - there was a punishment! That's it, the incident is over.

The child will have a healthy self-esteem if he succeeds in any area, including in school. Let him experiment a lot and then he will see that in life there are both failures and victories. Advise him to take up some practical natural science, such as chemistry. Find him a good tutor in chemistry or physics, and he will delight himself and you with his achievements.

Child's self-esteem

But what to do if you notice that a child is already developing an overestimated or underestimated self-esteem?

In the first case, draw the child's attention to the fact that there is an opinion of others and that it is necessary to listen to it. Show by your example that there is nothing wrong with criticism, in no case show aggression. Learn to respect the feelings and desires of others as well as your own.

To increase low self-esteem, show the child its importance. Often ask him for advice, as an adult, ask for help. Sometimes show weakness so that the child feels that he can be useful to you.

A child's self-esteem directly depends on your acceptance of yourself and your attitude towards him. Therefore, before educating or changing something in a child, work on yourself.

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