In vitro fertilization refers to the auxiliary methods of reproductive medicine. It allows you to transplant an embryo grown in the laboratory into the uterus of a future mother. In this case, both parental and donor cells can be taken as starting materials.
The technique is used if a woman fails to become pregnant, either due to the characteristics and physiology, or due to the unsatisfactory quality of the genetic material.
In vitro fertilization began to be used in the late 70s of the last century, and in Israel such an operation was first performed in 1985. To date, there are more than 4 million people born using this technique. At the same time, Israel ranks first in the world in terms of the number of successfully performed IVF procedures. Low cost of treatment, high quality of services, warm climate, the ability to combine diagnostics and treatment with first-class rest - these are the undeniable advantages of Israeli clinics.
How is the IVF procedure carried out?
In general, the procedure consists of the following steps:
- First, to increase the effectiveness of the method, a woman is prescribed medication that stimulates the maturation of eggs (in the normal state, their appearance is limited to one cell per month). During this period, the patient is constantly monitored by specialists, monitoring her hormonal parameters. The course of taking medication lasts 10-15 days.
- The second step is egg retrieval. To do this, a needle is inserted into the wall of the vagina, through which a puncture is made from the ovary. The procedure lasts no more than 30 minutes and is less traumatic, and therefore does not require the use of general anesthesia.
- The next stage is the taking of seminal fluid from a man and its subsequent processing.
- Then the actual fertilization takes place. This procedure is carried out under strict control in the laboratory. At this stage, it is possible to make a genetic examination to determine the presence of abnormalities in the child (for example, Down's disease). Such an examination is especially necessary if hereditary diseases are detected in the family.
- 2-3 days after fertilization, ready-made embryos are introduced into the uterus. The procedure also does not require anesthesia.
- To maintain a normal pregnancy, doctors prescribe a course of medication that lasts 10-15 days. The success of the operation is evidenced by blood tests, in which human chorionic gonadotropin is detected.
- Within three weeks, the patient is under the supervision of doctors, and then undergoes an ultrasound scan. Further, the pregnancy proceeds naturally.
IVF effectiveness in Israel
Israel is the only country where infertility is recognized as an insured event. This means that its citizens can undergo in vitro fertilization free of charge. Accordingly, a large number of patient requests allowed specialists in reproductive medicine to gain tremendous experience, which significantly increased the efficiency of the operation.
However, it must be understood that the success of IVF depends not only on the experience of doctors, but also on the age of the patient, genetic compatibility, and the presence or absence of serious pathologies of the reproductive system of both partners.
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