Which car alarm to choose

Which car alarm to choose?

The choice of alarm is not easy for everyone. Even men sometimes argue which is more effective. Ladies in this matter is more difficult. Only one thing is clear: the alarm system should protect the car from theft and theft as much as possible. And no matter what system you take as an example, each guarantees maximum protection, at least manufacturers in their promotional materials convince of this. But there is still not enough specifics to make a decision. Therefore, in cases of choice, you often have to rely, among other things, on the recommendations of experienced drivers. The tested version is more reliable and gives more confidence.

If the car is bought in the cabin, then in most cases the alarm is installed there. It is clear that its installation in any case should be entrusted to professionals. But still, before you approve the proposal for its purchase and installation, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the possible additional service. For some, one of the most important factors is price. But still, it is worth weighing the risks and the acquired protection features.

Protection against car thieves, car thieves and petty hooligans

A car can become an object of interest for various categories of pests. Petty hooligans are attracted to "orphan" items lying in plain sight in the car. Sometimes the wheels of a car can become profit. Sometimes car thieves watch for those owners who are not too attentive: they may not close the window, or jump out for a minute to the kiosk for cigarettes, or be distracted by a conversation with a friend. Action plans may vary.

Well, professional "dealers" purposefully hunt for a specific object. They know how to disable the alarm, after which they act very quickly. Therefore, you should take the car radio with you, do not leave valuables in the car, and in case of theft, have a reliable option - a pager (which will warn even if the alarm in the car is damaged).

Choosing a car alarm

First of all, of course, you need to pay attention to those functions that ensure the protection of the car.

    The door unlocking function included in the alarm system is very convenient, but depending on which brands. At the same time, locks on domestic-made cars can atrophy faster. If you have already installed such a signaling, monitor the condition of the locks at the doors and trunk. Guarding with a delayed lock function is good for forgetful owners. It works after a certain interval of time after the ignition is turned off. Auto-lock is good because if you accidentally press the key fob, but the doors or trunk were not opened, the system automatically re-arms. A convenient option for the operation of the alarm with the engine turned on. If necessary, you will not need to turn off the engine for a short time. Such a function is especially valuable for winter: the temperature in the cabin will remain at the same level. The mode of launching light and sound effects at any time at your request is a good option to scare away suspicious faces that you see next to the car. The advantage of remote engine start for the cold season is obvious. You sit down at once in the heated-up car. The ability to block the door locks during the trip is also an important point. So you protect yourself from petty hooligans scurrying around cars at traffic lights. In addition, there is a guarantee that the doors are closed securely: you do not have to worry about your passengers. In case of loss of the alarm key fob, it is better to play it safe by emergency turning off the car alarm. This is also an additional feature, and its activation can be triggered in different ways (depending on the modification). Sometimes you have to drive the car to the service. For such cases, we will replace the long-term option of disabling the alarm, it allows the service workers to carry out the necessary work. But at the same time, the alarm key fob remains with you.

Only the main functions are listed here, you can learn about others from specialists, depending on your interests.

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