Husband and household

Housekeeping is an integral part of family relationships. Whatever one may say, someone has to do housework. Well, purely intuitively, something suggests that this is a job for women. In most cases, it is. It is the woman who is the keeper of the family hearth, in fact, she has to keep order in the house and cook delicious meals.

However, excuse me, why not take part in this honorable work for my husband? Non-participation in household chores is explained in some cases quite simply. Housewife wife , of course, takes on these responsibilities, unless otherwise specified in the marriage contract , or the issue is removed by the fact that the housekeeper cleans and cooks in the house.

Different families have different ways of life. For example, if both spouses are self-sufficient people, each with their own business, then it is likely that they have everything agreed. As a rule, different budgets , and often, apartments for living are also different. Of course, in the absence of extra time, the spouses entrust household work to a special person - the housekeeper.

Consider another option: an average family with a common budget, with common problems. However, no two situations are the same. Most often, the wife tries to maintain order in the apartment, fusses about filling the refrigerator, and, of course, cooks, preferably for several meals. Some ladies try so hard not to give their husband another reason to think about leaving. But it’s impossible to manage everything: if everything around shines, and dinner calls to the table with its appetizing smell, then most likely, the organizer of this wonderful atmosphere, unfortunately, did not have time to dress up and make up. In general, there will be no entourage. But a man also loves with his eyes. I ate deliciously, you can hit on the beauties.

Therefore, to make yourself a heroine to such an extent is not worth it. You can and should involve your husband in household chores. But not immediately and not radically. It is better to use women's secrets , it is not for nothing that our site is dedicated to ladies' wisdom and tricks. Acting talent here can come in very handy. Showing your weakness can sometimes be very helpful. After all, you are a woman, so calling a man to hard work is not a shame. For example, help to cope with the washed linen and throw the following portion into the machine: “otherwise you don’t have time to look after the chicken in the oven in the kitchen.” Unscrew the burnt out lamp, vacuum it - offer it to him while you wash the dishes. In general, a good excuse is lack of time. You look, then your faithful will gradually get used to this situation, and will even say that he himself copes with this much faster and better. It remains only to support the initiative.

In general, encouragement does incredible things: receiving praise, your husband will do this job again and again next time. Only praise delicately: let it look natural.

In no case do not press and do not make a scandal if the spouse refused. Otherwise, the effect will be just the opposite, and again you will have to cope alone. It happens that a man very successfully fulfills himself in one direction (at work). For example, he is a famous actor or architect... The point is that talented people are sometimes completely unadapted in everyday life, so it is useless to demand something from them in this regard, or try to involve them in household chores, because talent, you know Li, directs all energy in only one direction. So, if your other half is from the category of those, then maybe it’s better to run the household yourself - it will be easier.

In other cases, an unobtrusive request (to begin with) may attract attention, and next time prompts will not be required.

In general, housework should not be completely assigned to a woman, but a lot depends on the lady: whether the husband will help or, on the contrary, will meticulously follow. Women's tricks in this matter are very helpful. You just need to know how to apply them.

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