Useful car trivia

Autolady is a proud title. Surely you are especially pleased to realize the fact that you know how to drive a car, and driving well is doubly pleasant. However, in addition to narcissism, one must also correspond to the status of a driver with a capital letter. And for this it is important to monitor the appearance of your car , and be prudent. Any rider, even on a supercar, should always have the necessary car parts with her. And if you are not yet aware of the useful little things, then our advice will be quite useful to you.

Following the rules, you should always have at least a few important items: first aid kit, warning triangle, fire extinguisher. With their purpose, everything is clear. But there are some more wishes. Before mentioning them, a small preface: an episode from the life of a short story by a driving instructor.

A young lady was taking her driving test. It is known that the tasks of the traffic police officer taking the exam can be the most unexpected. And on the street it was just autumn, well, all the front glass was splashed with mud. And then the examiner says: “Girl, wash the glass already.” The girl stopped the car, got out, and began to wipe the windshield with a rag. Funny? Yes (it was only necessary to turn on the wipers), but everything comes with experience. Therefore, so that such oddities do not happen to you, take note of the following information.

Always have a few cloth napkins with you: to wipe the mirrors or the car number, in general, they will come in handy. Also, a bottle of water, including drinking water, will not interfere. Regarding the cable - comments are unnecessary. A canister for gasoline is also always useful. Gloves (preferably both rag and rubber ones) will not interfere, a brush is also an indispensable item. A map of the area is needed by almost all beginners. Perhaps this all belongs to the category of necessary things.

Now is the time to think about unexpected situations that might happen. It’s good if it’s within the city, but if it’s on the highway ... In general, in case of a wheel replacement (it would be better, of course, such situations didn’t happen to you, but, as they say, no one is insured) it’s useful to have a jack.

Well, to cheer you up - get original car covers, a stylish braid on the steering wheel and some nice flavor for the car interior. Everything, now you can safely travel around the city and not only. Add a good make-up - men will definitely notice such a car lady, and maybe they will miss it!

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