Secrets of good mood

secrets of a good moodSecrets of good mood

How often are you in a good mood? And in bad? Agree, it’s hard to say for sure, because the mood is like the weather: just that it was magnificent, sunny, and suddenly some kind of “lousy” emotion - that’s it, the high spiritual flight is gone. It seems that nothing so supernatural happened, just think, the car drove - spray in all directions, a common phenomenon, and the reaction was out of the ordinary. In this article, you will learn the most popular secrets of a good mood.

How to get your good mood back

Not to say that it is very easy, but still possible. You just have to find the right method for you. And then it’s a matter of technique: a little effort of will, a minimum of desire to change your attitude to the situation, and here it is the result - all hardships are forgotten, and you are again ready to move mountains. So what are these magical methods? Nothing special. You yourself know everything very well, you just forget to use it.


Trite? - Yes. Really? - Very much! Haven't tried it - try it. We tried - it didn’t work out - try again, just add a proud posture (as if there was nothing wrong), remember what a wonderful person you are. Seriously. Just don’t say that you are not a very good person, everything is topsy-turvy, your personal life does not work out, and in general you feel sorry for yourself, because such a share fell out ... (already I want to cry). Your "share" you yourself came up with, so it's never too late to change your mind. Of course, it is difficult to take it and imagine a good mood, because this is an effort that needs to be made. It’s much easier to sit with a sour face, you don’t need to do anything here: a bad mood in itself is aggravated with terrible force.

Keep in mind: you are what you think about. If thoughts are occupied with negativity, it means that at the moment you are a bunch of negative energy. If you are positive, the process went in the opposite direction. Help yourself create the desire to be happy! Happy people have more fun doing things. So what do you choose after that?

"Kick the dust out of the bag."

Yes, just like that, take it and knock it out (there is dust and bad thoughts behind it). You can even kick a pillow (just not the one you put under your head. Get yourself a patient pillow for such cases: you will periodically beat it, it will endure everything). But what an effect! The fact is that negative energy does not dissolve, it goes into a different direction, or it settles in the body in the form of sores. Therefore, it is very useful sometimes to throw out the negative in the way mentioned above. You will feel better, and no one will suffer (except for the pillow, of course).


It turns out that walking is such a useful thing. Yes, yes, how long have you been walking in the park just like that? By the way, trees “remove” negative energy. Standing under a birch is sometimes useful. Look up into the sky.. The sky is so vast that your problem is a drop in the bucket compared to it. Think about your plans for the future, and what is preventing you from moving forward towards your goal at the moment. Some trifle, a nuisance that does not deserve your precious attention. If you want to say what you deserve, look at the sky: what a sky and what your problem is. That's it.

chocolate mood

Literally. It has long been known that chocolate is a good mood generator, because it stimulates the production of endorphins, the so-called happiness hormones responsible for a good mood. Through biochemical reactions (the details of which you do not need to know at all), you get a charge of chocolate mood. By the way, bananas and grapefruit have a similar property (take note). Just look, do not overdo it, so that later there is no bad mood due to extra pounds. Everything is good in moderation.


(here we mean your scheduled classes in the fitness center). A method similar to a pillow, only even more useful, because during training you not only concentrate your thoughts on the exercises (thus being distracted), but also keep your figure in shape. Negative power gymnastics wins well: you sweat for an hour, all bad thoughts will dissolve.

Visual range of directional action. What is it and what is it eaten with? This method is good for those who are constantly in the office. You won’t go to the park, you won’t kick the pillow (even if you have it with you). Therefore, you just need to find a secluded place (for example, a toilet). Next, imagine that your problem is in the palm of your hand. As soon as they were introduced, squeeze it into a fist, but stronger (so that it doesn’t run away), and now swing it - and on its floor with the words “well, to hell with it!”. A couple of such throws - and you are free from anger, you are not haunted by sadness, in a word, a cloudless mood has returned to normal.

And on the trail. All methods are subject to your sincere participation. Have a good mood!

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