Talismans to attract love

In Feng Shui, there are various talismans to attract love into your life. But in order for the talisman to absorb the energy of your desire and begin to fulfill it, you need to charge the magical object with the energy of your thought. To do this, you should concentrate on the image and direct the thought form directly to the talisman. It is advisable that you carry the amulet with you for the first week. If you notice that he is changing in color or shape, this is confirmation of his work on your message.

The sector of love, according to the Ba Gua octagon , is the southwest. Therefore, in this sector, you should place symbols that will help attract good luck in love affairs.

Mandarin ducks - in Feng Shui it is a symbol of fidelity, love, tenderness, marital happiness. They attract love romance into your life, and also promise a long, prosperous marriage, prosperity to your feelings. The unusual name of the duck was due to the color scheme of plumage. And they became a symbol of fidelity because these birds choose a couple for themselves only once, and if they are separated, they die.

Mandarin ducks are the best talisman for single women . Place them in the recommended sector and in pairs. Energy will increase if there is an aquarium nearby. In general, in this sector, try not to keep single items.

Activate the energy of love and Chinese red lanterns . They should also be placed in a couple of pieces, since paired things increase the attraction of love into your life, and the red color adds magical power.

Decorate the love sector in your home with twin candles in a candlestick. This is a symbol of an unquenchable feeling between two principles: a man and a woman. Light these candles more often, and a partner will certainly appear in your life, and if you already have one, then the relationship with him will become even stronger, even stronger.

It is recommended to place paired sculptures of any animals. A figurine of two doves is suitable for this purpose. Dolphins are also a symbol of fidelity, partnership and love . They must necessarily be directed towards each other, or wrapped around, to form a single whole. Then this symbol works to consolidate your relationship with your partner. In addition to dolphins, fish are also a symbol of harmonious relationships. The double figurine of fish symbolizes sexual compatibility.

Twin fish guarantee your family a strong union that will withstand any negative influences and remain indestructible in any situation. An amulet with the image of twin fish, worn as a pendant, will also bring good luck to its owner. In general, this symbol serves as a guarantor of the integrity of the family and friendly relations between all members: parents and children, brothers and sisters. Therefore, the most favorable place for its placement is a family dining room ( kitchen ). It is even recommended to make such an image on your dining table.

To maintain and strengthen relationships with your loved one, you can also use handmade talismans. By the way, any natural elements (roots, for example), woven in a natural way, can symbolize unity. Enough to put under the mattress. Another option: take two small strands of hair (yours and your beloved) and you can tie them together with a red thread. You should say the words that in any weather, at any time of the year, at sunrise and sunset, you will be with your love and your love will always be with you. However, remember that trusting the amulet to save your feelings, you can also lose them if the symbol is lost or something happens to it.

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How to choose your talisman Talismans to attract good luck
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