Ba Gua Octagon

ba-guaAccording to Feng Shui, everything that happens in a person's life can be correlated with nine main aspects of life, such as: wealth, fame, love and marriage, family, health, children and creativity, wisdom and knowledge, career, assistants and travel. All these categories, arranged in a certain order, form the Ba-Gua.

Ba Gua Octagon

This magical octagon can be placed on the plan of your house, apartment or room. It shows where the Ba Gua sector is and what it means. Another question is how to activate each of the goal achievement zones. First you need to learn more about each of the parties.


This direction is located in the southeast. It is associated with the material condition and symbolizes abundance and prosperity of any kind.

Glory. Southern sector. Has to do with fame and reputation. Reflects what other people think of you. This direction is also associated with how you see your future and your future life.

Love and marriage. Southwest location. Concerns your relationship with a loved one, husband, boyfriend or girlfriend, or with someone else. If you do not have such people, then this direction contains unrealized potential.

Family . The direction is located in the east. It is related to the family, and not only to the immediate environment, but also to relatives and ancestors.

Health. This direction is located in the center of the Ba Gua octagon. It is associated with physical health, unity and harmony of all things. By improving this direction, you can correct those aspects of life that do not fit into any particular direction.

Children and creativity. This sector is located in the west. Closely intertwined with spiritual and physical creativity - children, creative projects, artistic self-expression. Also, the direction reflects your tendency to communicate.

Wisdom and knowledge. The direction is located in the northeast. It concerns everything that is connected with the mind, clarity of thought, life experience, spirituality, self-improvement.

Career. North. Associated with work, professional activities, workplace and earnings.

Assistants and travel. Direction: northwest. It is associated with people who help you in life, that is, with teachers, mentors, friends, colleagues. It is also related to travel and is associated with the male half of the family - father, brother or son.

You should be aware that if any one side is weakened, for example, a career, then this has a negative impact on other sides and aspects of life, in particular, family and relationships. Ideally, all of the Ba Gua directions in your home should be strong and balanced. Therefore, one should not strengthen only one thing: it will affect other areas. Maybe you will gain wealth, but lose everything else. So does it make sense? Only one zone dominates all the others - this is the center, symbolizing health and unity. If you don't know where to start in order to improve in several areas of your life at once, start from the center and you can't go wrong.

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