Single woman

Single woman

At all times, there were more single women than men, "because according to statistics, there are 9 guys for 10 girls." And apart from jokes, finding a companion worthy of himself and his ideas about the second half is actually not so easy.

In youth, while studying, the number of contacts, and therefore potential partners, is much larger. But as time goes by, it gets harder and harder to find them. Yes, and life experience begins to suggest what type of men can still be interesting, and which ones are far from “out of shape”.

Why does it happen that a woman or a girl cannot find a suitable match for herself?

Causes of loneliness

Until the age of 25-30, there is a possibility of meeting your future husband, and with a good percentage of probability (in descending order). If this does not happen, then something is wrong with the fair sex itself. Too shy girls are far from relationships with guys. To overcome this quality in yourself, you need to understand the reason for its appearance, and then work on yourself, training confidence, awareness of your female attractiveness.

The second reason for failures in personal life at a young age is an inferiority complex about appearance. If a girl suffers from the awareness of her unattractiveness (or even ugliness), then a psychologist and stylist will help. Yes, it's hard to accept yourself. But there is a stable expression: “ugly women do not exist, there are lazy ones” - by the way, to the point (except when there are congenital deformities - here, rather, the help of a plastic surgeon is needed).

The third reason is bad experience. A very strong reason, sometimes experienced failures in personal life, give a reason to be completely disappointed in relationships. But after all, many people still find their type of loved one, which means that there is an opportunity, not everything is so hopeless. We must continue to seek, to strive towards our happiness.

For ladies after 30 years, attempts to arrange their personal lives are sometimes very difficult: demands are increasing, requests for a person’s personal qualities and not only. In addition, by this age, many men are already employed, and there are not so many divorced. The choice is limited, but still there is hope.

Some women already agree to close their eyes to the shortcomings, if only there was already a man in the house. But do not rush, still evaluate for yourself how much you can get along with a particular person. To do this, pay attention to his habits (including bad ones), hobbies. As a rule, after 30 years, separate hobbies such as fishing, football, motorsport, etc. take root in the strong half. Try to imagine how ready you will be to put up with one or another addiction. After all, changing a person is a thankless task, and unnecessary.

On the other hand, you can look for the ideal for a long time, for this reason many women remain alone, that they have not met the man of their dreams: tall, handsome, slender, cheerful, smart, financially secure ... you can continue indefinitely. However, in nature there are no ideal people, everyone has advantages and disadvantages. By the way, it is often the shortcomings that give a person his special charm, originality. And far from all the ladies came up with the idea: how to live with the ideal (if one were found). Too "sweet" - quickly bored. In general, any person is perceived by others as a whole, along with his individual traits. The only question is compatibility or incompatibility with a particular type. So it's up to you to choose, just don't disassemble the personality piece by piece, the integrity of nature is much more valuable.

For some women, being single is a conscious choice. That is, considering themselves to be fully accomplished and self-sufficient, they completely reject relationships with men both at the moment and in the future. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of this position.

Pros of being alone:

- A lonely woman is left to herself and can spend all her free time on hobbies and hobbies, or chatting with a friend in a cafe, for example.
- Does not limit herself in relationships with men: she is not obliged to anyone and is free to do whatever she wants.
- Not burdened with household chores, can afford not to clean the house, cook or wash dishes regularly.
- Has the opportunity to devote a lot of time to his beloved, self-care with visits to beauty salons, solariums, fitness centers and other establishments.

Cons of female loneliness

Meeting holidays or experiencing unpleasant life situations alone.
There is no one to share emotions and impressions with. - Forced to do the men's work around the house or hire a person.
- The illusion of the presence of people who care about her. Of course, it cannot be said that a woman without a man lives in complete solitude. But the fact is that all friends and girlfriends have their own personal lives and, at best, will listen in difficult moments. But hangouts are one thing, and a spiritual connection with a person, moral support is quite another. No one wants to take on other people's problems, and only a loved one will be there for both grief and joy.

So the problem of loneliness must be solved without giving up, without losing heart. You just need to really want and believe in your dream .

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