Hair falling out? Treatment at home.

What to do if hair falls out and how to treat it at home. Let's try to understand the problem so delicate for the female half.

For many centuries, female attractiveness was calculated not only by a pretty face and a wasp waist, but also by the beauty of healthy hair. In the modern world, little has changed, strong and healthy hair is still valued in society and determines the beauty of not only women, but also men.

Hair fall out?

why does hair fall out in women

why does hair fall out in women

But what to do if the hair began to fall out strongly and often? Such a problem and the struggle with it often spoils the mood and nerves, even for young people.

There are many reasons for hair loss. Often they are directly related to hair care or improperly selected detergents.

In men, in most cases, hair loss is laid down at the gene level and is inherited. In women, such problems, as a rule, do not happen. Their appearance is due to the influence of external factors. Stress, disease, hormonal changes, poor nutrition, bad habits - all this can cause you to lose your hair at an incredible rate.

Treatment at home

First, you can not start treating the problem without establishing its cause. To understand why your hair began to fall out, it is best to contact a specialist who will prescribe the necessary drugs and procedures for you. But if this is not possible, then use a few useful tips.


To stop the loss, first of all it is worth fighting the problem from the inside. Often hair falls out due to a lack of vitamins in the body. To replenish their supply, you should go to a pharmacy and choose a product that is high in vitamins A, E and H.


To reduce the amount of hair loss, professionals advise using combs with rare teeth. Your hair will be less affected during the treatment, which will help you keep more hair on your head.

Washing head.

Don't over-wash your hair. It is enough to wash your hair twice a week, using nourishing and regenerating shampoos, balms and masks.

After washing, it is better not to wrap your hair in a towel and do not use a hair dryer to dry. It's best to let them dry on their own.


causes hair loss in women

hair falls out which vitamins are lacking

Switch to a healthy diet, give up bad habits, alcohol and cigarettes. Include more greens, fruits and vegetables in your diet. Give preference to apples and cereals. Apples are high in iron, while cereals are high in biotin.

Shampoo selection.

To choose the right shampoo, your best bet is to walk past specialty cosmetics stores and go directly to the pharmacy. It is in pharmaceutical institutions that they sell special products for deep care and nutrition for hair and scalp. In the case of hair loss, herbal-based products with a high content of natural oils are best suited.

A haircut.

Despite the fact that the hair on your head has begun to thin out noticeably, you should not refuse a haircut either. Hairdressers tend to cut off dying ends that prevent hair from growing properly.

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  1. Tatyana

    I had a problem with my hair after pregnancy, they began to fall out, and quite strongly. I began to drink vitamins and make firming masks. masks only according to folk recipes, I didn’t use anything purchased and the result from this is very good. Hair stopped falling out.

    • woman

      Good afternoon. Indeed, folk remedies are very helpful in restoring hair. But you need to know exactly your hair type. We are glad that masks helped you. We wish you thick hair.


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