How to protect your car from scammers and thieves

How to protect your car from scammers

There are several simple but effective ways to help you avoid contact with car scammers, thieves and car thieves, and therefore do not give them a chance.

  • First, always be vigilant when leaving the car. Especially if you stopped in the evening in a quiet, sparsely populated place. First, look around to see if anyone is nearby. The fact is that it is difficult to recognize scammers at first sight, therefore, in a desert area, any person falls under suspicion. But in crowded parking lots near shopping centers, a careless exit from a car is fraught with a sudden attack by petty thieves.
  • Secondly, even in your yard, when sweeping snow from the car, make sure you close it first. There are examples when the car owner began to sweep snow from the car, going around it in a circle, and by the time he returned to the driver's door he found that there was no purse left on the seat. Always lock the doors as soon as you are going to go, so that, stopping at a traffic light, you do not become a victim of dodgers who trade in petty theft. A few seconds is enough for them to open one of the rear doors and grab things lying on the back seat. Don't give "advice" to someone who pretends to ask you for advice when you've just parked or are about to leave. While answering the question asked, the partner of the scammer will have time to “cleanse” your car from the back door.

Given the two previous tips, keep in mind that it is better not to leave valuables in the car. As soon as you leave, the burglars will immediately take advantage: they will break the glass and take away everything of value, taking everything that is nearby. Most often, folders with documents, handbags lie on the back seats (or in front of the passenger), which attracts the attention of robbers. And of course, when leaving the car (if there is no one else in it except you), do not forget to remove the key from the ignition. Even if you just need to walk to the newsstand. 5 seconds can be fatal. It is also possible that you lock the doors that you did not foresee if the engine remains on. So dear ladies , be careful, every little thing matters. Of course, it is difficult to control yourself in everything at first, but if you regularly follow the rules, then over time a habit is developed.

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