Sore nipples. Why do nipples hurt after childbirth and not only?

Often nipples hurt in 60% of women. Discomfort in the nipple area can be caused by several reasons. In most cases, this is due to a change in the level of hormones in the body, but it can also be a consequence of the appearance of dangerous diseases. Discomfort in the chest area is accompanied by unpleasant pain in the breast area. The pain is characterized by varying degrees of intensity, entails swelling of the chest. It spreads towards the shoulder or back.

Consider the main causes of chest pain and possible diseases.

Mastodynia cyclic

Anxiety in the nipples and breasts can be caused by the approaching menstruation. Usually discomfort occurs in 2-5 days (rarely in the middle of the cycle) and continues until the first day of menstruation. This is due to a sharp increase in the level of hormones (prolactin, progesterone) in the blood, which decreases in the first days of menstruation and chest pains gradually subside. I advise you to read the article for expectant mothers about constipation in infants.

Sore nipples? Why?

The fact is that these hormones, in contact with similar biological elements, provoke fluid retention. This contributes to breast engorgement and an increase in its size, which, in turn, compresses the nerve endings and gives the woman discomfort and pain.

Mastalgia acyclic

Such a disease is not associated with a change in the hormonal background in the female body. It can be a consequence of the appearance of inflammatory processes in the chest, neoplasms, malfunction of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands. In addition, problems in the chest can be caused by dysfunction of the liver or pituitary gland, diseases of the nervous system (central and peripheral). The cause of pain can be nervous breakdowns, stress, conflicts and other psychological factors.

Also, chest pains can be during the use of contraceptives or after them. Since contraceptives are a hormonal drug, they lead to a hormonal imbalance in the body. In this case, you need to consult a doctor who will prescribe an alternative contraceptive. Pain in the nipples is common in pregnant women (due to restructuring in the body) and in young mothers (due to improper attachment of the child to her breast during feeding), even if they did not consume taurine.

The cause can also be tight and uncomfortable underwear, dry nipples, beginning mastitis. Pay attention to the factors below, and if you have any, it is worth visiting a female doctor if your nipples hurt :

  • discharge from the nipples (bloody, sanious, purulent);
  • the color and size of the areola and nipple has changed;
  • the appearance of sores, irritations, cracks;
  • puffiness;
  • constant pain in the chest and armpits.

If your nipples hurt , consult a specialist for a consultation. In case of suspicion, the doctor will prescribe a breast ultrasound examination, mammography, an endocrinologist's consultation and a blood test to detect hormone levels.

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