In fact, to put the question in this way is wrong.
If the work is unloved by you, then sooner or later the day will come when you will not force yourself to go there at all. Unfortunately, love does not come from under the stick. Moreover, if the work has become hated, you will not achieve the most important thing in it - inner satisfaction. This means that you will not be brought joy and money earned, even if it is very good amounts. By the way, millionaires never do something they don't like. Only the occupation that gives you self-realization, in which you reveal your best features and capabilities, can bring big incomes. But if you adhere to the principle: “better a tit in the hand than a pie in the sky”, then of course you should try to persuade yourself to work in the same place again, well, or try to do it.
how to love your job
- Where else can you find such a job? Do you remember the last time you looked for her? Were there many choices? And will the new job be better than the old one? We are sure that it will be, then ask your friends how they work there. Hear about the same thing that you think about yours. All people are dissatisfied with their work, they think that somewhere out there someone lives chocolate. As you know, it's good where we are not.
- Think about your colleagues with whom you work together.
After all, work implies not only every second in the performance of one's duties, but also communication between employees. Perhaps it is even more of a part than the work itself. This means that there is approximately 80% of the total working time (here you have smoke breaks, snacks, and behind-the-scenes discussions, that is, gossip). And in a new team, you will have to get to know everyone again, but suddenly there will not be such friendly people as here ...
- Refresh your memory of how you got here. Probably not by accident. If you are a doctor by profession, then, of course, you work in a medical institution (well, not an artist). Why did you choose this profession? Let me guess, you must have been attracted to her. So find what you like about your activity and remember it more often.
More options
- In any work there are elements of routine, roughly speaking, boring moments. Well, where to get away from them. And if you do everything monotonous first, and leave the interesting for dessert, then you will have an incentive to redo all the tedious work faster.
- Finally, evaluate your contribution to the work of the entire enterprise where you work. It was you who was entrusted with your work, which means they trust you, which means you are needed in this place. And you, it turns out, a valuable employee. Work makes you higher in your own eyes - this is also a positive thing.
- If the boss is a “goat”, is constantly dissatisfied with everything and finds fault for any reason, take it philosophically: if the bosses are satisfied with everything, then the business will stop. Dissatisfaction with subordinates (or rather, their work) is one of the mandatory items for managers. Without it, there is no progress.
- In the end, to make it interesting to go to work, start a little office romance. A little light flirting - that's the reason for an interesting relationship. At home, I suppose the same routine as at work, but here there will be some kind of entertainment, new emotions.
Not satisfied with the salary. Oh, well, this is an eternal question, because all employees believe that they deserve more. If you are worth more then why are you working here? Or no one invites you to a salary of 2-3 times more? Perhaps your remuneration corresponds to your qualifications. If you have a completely opposite opinion on this point, then you need to change your job, it is strange that you are still working here. Or do you think that all the good places are taken? So you are mistaken, for valuable employees, by the way, they even arrange a hunt. Say, you are not such a valuable person, then why do you need to change jobs in order to get an increase of 2-3 thousand at best? It seems that if this is so, then for a start it would not hurt to find a place, and then to flee from the "native land".
So, jokingly, you can analyze your working mood and draw certain conclusions. Do you still want to change jobs, or does it still seem to you the worst of all evils - then why are you reading these lines, if not because you are trying to find a clue or found, but you don’t want to let go. Your work is in your hands. If you are still holding on to her, then you need her. In other cases, it is different.
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It often happens that you once liked the work, but now you don’t. And like deal not in work, and in his environment. Just getting there by bus is worth it. I also wrote about this on my blog, but approached it from a different angle.