How to learn to flirt

Flirting is a kind of game between a man and a woman, when they slightly turn each other on with some kind of understatement, light hints and gestures. Flirting does not have to end in sex, but there is still a certain sexual connotation in it. After all, men and women are sexual beings, two opposites that are drawn to each other.

Even in an office setting, the work process is inconceivable without flirting, because flirting makes any relationship much easier, gives them a special charm and attractiveness, due to this, life acquires a different quality, a shade of eroticism appears, which means that any activity becomes more productive. Not to mention the dating .

But not every woman knows how to use such an indispensable tool as flirting. Yes, you need to have some skills to always keep your finger on the pulse, and when necessary, use the power of your game.

So, what you need to arm yourself with for the successful manifestation of natural female coquetry.

Show off your strengths

Well, firstly, every woman has her charms: someone has slender legs, someone has seductive breasts, someone has an aspen waist. You need to keep your "trump cards" in plain sight. Men have always been attracted to feminine forms. And what effect do long curly curls produce ... Long hair is very erotic, because the strands cover your face, as if hiding your secret. The results of many surveys have shown that men prefer when a woman has long hair, rather than a short haircut.

Luxurious breasts cannot be ignored if they peek out enticingly from a deep neckline. Add a dash of seduction by unbuttoning the top button of your blouse. The effect will not be long in coming.

Chic long legs do not need to be hidden in a long skirt. The cross-legged pose in a miniskirt will attract the attention of more than one man to you. So be prepared: no gentleman can resist you.

Needless to say, your appearance should be well-groomed and flavored with charming spirits.


Another integral part of flirting is your enigmatic gaze. Girls know how to build eyes from early childhood. We must remember. There should be playfulness, mischief, passion in the eyes, in general, everything that can make a man understand that he is interesting to you. But there is one small detail: there is no need to hypnotize Him, it is enough to look askance (perhaps with a smile) and slowly look away in the other direction. In some cases, you can look eye to eye (depending on what goal you are pursuing). And then, be sure, He will understand everything and in turn will make an attempt to get closer.

The whole charm of easy relationships in the office is in the ability to keep up the conversation, sometimes about nothing, but always with humor or a slight mockery. Women who do not know how, as they say, to be witty, rarely fall into the field of view of men, even if they are smartly dressed and smell of expensive perfume. A beautiful mannequin is only good as furniture. Therefore, if you have not yet learned, be sure to introduce harmless jokes and airy compliments into your communication style, then you will definitely not be bored when you are alone. Flirting is such a thing, as they say, it will fit for all occasions. Enjoy!


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