How to meet a man

Acquaintance is a delicate task, especially when a lady wants to meet. Until now, attempts to make contact on the part of a woman are perceived by many as something, not that indecent, but not corresponding, let's say, to the good old morality. A woman, by her nature, is arranged in such a way that she expects more than she acts. And the examples of this from life are the simplest: waiting for her husband from work (every day), bearing and patiently waiting for the birth of a child for 9 whole months. In the end, in sexual relations, it is the man who takes possession of the woman, and not vice versa (at least nature works that way).

But there are times when a woman just needs to show her initiative. For example, a lady is already over 30, everything is not in a prince. It would be time to somehow activate the process itself. Well, and, accordingly, at the opportunity, try to establish contact with a stranger or with a good old friend. In general, take control of the situation. The question is natural: well, how to do it in order to look not very intrusive, and so that the potential partner understands everything correctly? It may be trite, but, according to psychologists, the notorious conversation about the weather still gives chances for a successful continuation.

Needless to say, if the subject of attention works with you in the same office (and here you already feel a hint of an office romance ), then,How to meet a man of course, you and him somehow have common working issues. Well, as they say, word for word, you can agree and meet on neutral territory (in a cafe, for example), to discuss projects in a relaxed atmosphere. It is possible even under the pretext that others do not interfere, do not confuse, or do not even have time to pull off the idea. In general, women actively use the opportunity to allegedly discuss work issues, but in fact, flirt at the same time.

Non-verbal signs of attention

Non-verbal signs of attention, by which a man can understand that he is interesting to a lady, have long been known. Well, firstly, your look can say a lot (the eyes, as you know, are the mirror of the soul), and an unmarried lady always has an interested, searching look. When you see the object of your interest, you can build eyes, as in the fairy tale about Cinderella: "In the corner - on the nose - on the object." Such a mysterious eye play.

An erotic demonstration of the wrist can also tell a potential partner a lot. In particular, this gesture is interpreted as your direct interest (together with a look). Another thing is that if the partner is not a womanizer and not a womanizer (modest by nature), then he is unlikely to decipher such a hint. So try to grab attention with something else. “The gait is free, from the hip”, high-heeled boots, proud posture - “men don’t let such a woman pass” (by the way, you can watch the film “Office Romance” as a teaching aid).

In general, if you want to attract attention, become super feminine, then you don’t have to figure out what to say, how to take the first step. A smart man will guess and do everything himself.

This is how useful it is sometimes to think and find a win-win option. The main thing is not to get lost, not to shade, but to keep the brand.

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