Among plants of tropical origin, perhaps, alocasia is the most exotic species, and, first of all, the unusual leaves of this plant of the aroid family cause visual pleasure.

Perhaps the beauty of large, sometimes up to a meter, with beautiful white veins and the original shape of the leaves compensates for the lack of flowering. But the fact remains: alocasia blooms extremely rarely. But it serves as a magnificent exotic decoration, especially for spacious rooms. In height, some species can reach two meters or more.
Despite its exquisite exoticism, alocasia does not require any special care. True, for those species that have veins, it is very desirable to create diffused light, perhaps through blinds. Instances with plain leaves can also grow in the shade.
Like all tropical plants, alokaziya likes abundant watering during the active season (that is, from spring to autumn), but you need to make sure that the water in the pan does not stagnate. Also, do not forget to spray and regularly wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Overdoing external influences (too much moisture or dryness) can lead to foliage wilt. And pallor is often due to a lack of light. Observe and eliminate the unfavorable factor.
With slow growth, it is recommended to use fertilizers for indoor plants. Perhaps it lacks nitrogen.
Reproduction of alocasia
Propagated by different options, as you like best: seeds, cuttings or daughter tubers. In the last two cases, it is necessary to sprinkle the sections with charcoal.
Peat mixed with sand is taken as the soil. And of course, until the shoot is thoroughly rooted, you need to create comfortable conditions for it with a temperature of at least 24 degrees and regular spraying.
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