How to find a common language with a teenage child

how to get along with teenagersAdolescence is a difficult time for both parents and teenagers in the first place. At the age of 13-15, an active hormonal and mental restructuring takes place in the child's body. On the one hand, he feels a share of independence and tries to show his individuality, on the other hand, he continues to depend on his parents, which annoys him and leads to conflicts. Finding a common language with a teenager can be very difficult.

There is a struggle between two poles in him: he wants to assert himself, but it is still unclear where is the line beyond which he alone cannot cope.

Parents, on the other hand, strive to give advice in the old fashioned way, starting with their favorite phrase “I am at your age ...” and insert their exploits. This situation is as old as the world, because parents often do not want to understand that today's teenagers have other priorities, other interests, and, in the end, other opportunities. The world is changing (in the sense of the emergence of new benefits of civilization), and the thinking of some parents remains at the same level. So it turns out that, first of all, conflicts arise where the father and mother put their own experience at the forefront and refuse to understand that only by making their own mistakes the child will learn something. Mistakes, of course, are also different, but if you bother, you risk even more moving away from the child.

Teenagers have a very vulnerable psyche. Since at this time they already have their own ideals, sometimes idols, they want to imitate or be leaders, but they cannot always accept themselves as they are. That is, internal complexes appear, worries about inconsistencies and so on. Sometimes the process is very painful. At these moments, the child needs friendly support from his parents, but not reproaches - this further aggravates the situation, drives him into a corner. As a result, the child becomes isolated, feels rejected, and parents sometimes become scared, no matter how they turn onto a “dirty” path.

At the same time, there is a high probability that a teenager will fall under someone else's influence, for example, under the influence of friends with a dubious reputation, or strangers. Preventive conversations are certainly important and necessary, but try to "lecture" when you feel that he is in a good mood, at least tuned in to your wavelength. And do not overdo it, build a conversation in a friendly tone. It is desirable that the parent who enjoys great authority communicates with the child. The role of the father in this regard is extremely important.

A common mistake parents make is that they like to compare their child with others. Even alone with a child, such a conversation cannot end in mutual understanding, not to mention those cases when parents expose a teenager in an unfavorable light in the presence of others. Just imagine what he must feel and experience at this moment. Needless to say, instead of being allies, in this situation, you can become an enemy to your own offspring.

The fact that a child strives to become an adult is not bad in itself. Just while he does not know how adults behave in some situations, therefore, he expresses his independence “by touch”. Parents should show their patience, wisdom and finally stop promoting their opinion as the only and indisputable. It is better to establish friendly contact with the child on an equal footing, then he will hear more useful information from you and stop being stubborn and stand his ground, although he is not right.

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