Why dream of a fire

Why dream of a fire

The meaning of the dream in which there is a fire should be interpreted depending on how significant the object was on fire for you. Only one thing is clear: there are no victims, which means there will be no losses in real life, on the contrary, this promises beneficial changes. It is better to watch the fire from the side than to be in its epicenter.

So, if your home burned in a dream vision, losses are possible. If you have a picture of a burning workplace (office, building, your desk or office), know that you will have to participate in the affairs of work colleagues in order to help them cope with any situation.

Seeing a fire in a dream

    from the outside, if a burning flame without smoke, - to positive changes in life. A raging fire that does not touch you indicates something significant related to your achievements. Perhaps your abilities will be appreciated at the highest level.

Save yourself from a fire in a dream

    means that you cannot recover for a long time from some shocks or unwanted changes in your life. If there are victims from the fire, you see that people died, then this is a warning, a protection from participating in some dubious project or event, from which not only you, but also the people involved in this business will lose.

Fire in a dream

    always remains a symbol of human passions, without which life is unthinkable. So if you see some kind of unfavorable outcome, a fire causes you horror and negative emotions, then most likely the upcoming changes in life will not bring satisfaction, your efforts will be in vain and will not justify your hopes.

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