Of course, any nuts contain a portion of useful substances, but the more information you have, the better you will understand what nuts you need at the moment.
contain a whole range of vitamins and minerals needed by the body. They contain tannins, quinones, iodine, vitamin C (its content in unripe fruits even surpasses citrus fruits), a group of vitamins B and vitamin PP, phosphorus, and iron. Magnesium contained in the walnut has a vasodilating effect, and potassium is good for removing excess fluid from the body. Also, these nuts contain fats, and in a significant amount. Nuts are very nutritious. Compared to our usual foods like bread, potatoes and milk, so those who want to lose weight should not get carried away with this “delicacy”. Walnuts are also good for male potency, especially when combined with honey. Men are advised to consume a few nuts daily.
Infusions from walnut partitions lower blood sugar levels. As for the introduction of walnuts into the diet of a child, we can definitely say that nuts are good for a child's body already because they contain fatty acids, while nuts do not contain cholesterol, they contain valuable protein. For hyperactive children are also useful as a means of calming the nervous system. Well, in general, for the general strengthening of the body.
Hazelnuts (hazelnuts)
an excellent tool for the prevention, and in some cases for the treatment of stomach diseases, help to remove stones from the kidneys, and also help with rheumatism. Recommended for those with anemia. Useful for existing cardiovascular diseases, because they contain fatty acids. Hazelnut is a champion in terms of fat content, which it contains up to 70%, in addition, it contains proteins and carbohydrates. Well, in addition to the above advantages, hazelnuts generally increase immunity and help eliminate putrefactive processes in the intestines.
Pine nuts
very useful for the brain due to the content of copper (it is she who contributes to the formation of red blood cells). Thanks to the amino acids contained in the nuts, they are useful for the developing body of the child. Pine nuts also contain iodine, and in addition, B vitamins (B1 - thiamine, B2 - riboflavin) and vitamin E, which affects the endocrine system and protects cells from damage. They do not contain cholesterol and are easily absorbed by the body. In a word, pine nuts are a source of vitamins, microelements, carbohydrates, proteins, unsaturated fatty acids - very useful for the body.
rich in antioxidants, which play an important role in maintaining immunity, as they neutralize free radicals. Peanuts are good in terms of cancer prevention. Moreover, roasted peanuts are more useful by increasing the level of polyphenols, which are important for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Unsaturated fatty acids, which are found in sufficient quantities in peanuts, are good for preventing high blood cholesterol. Also, this nut can be considered as a source of protein and vegetable oils, it has a high calorie content (550 kcal per 100 g). And of course, as is typical of many nuts, peanuts contain a whole group of vitamins: A, D, E, B1, B2 and others.
storehouse of nutrients. Unsaturated mono fats, which are part of almonds, contain vitamin E - very important for the prevention of heart disease. Almond helps to preserve vision, is also good as a general tonic, helps the natural cleansing of the body. In some cases, it can be used as a mild laxative. Almond oil is sometimes used as a pain reliever for ear infections and headaches. Also, almonds have a beneficial effect on blood sugar levels.
they charge your body with vivacity, which is why they are so useful for physical and mental stress. Rich in vitamin E, which is known to be a good antioxidant and helps prolong youth. Their beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system has also been proven. If you regularly consume a small amount of pistachios, you can improve liver function, and pistachio oil is also effective in the fight against freckles . It is worth noting that pistachios are ahead of other nuts in terms of fiber content and are approaching oatmeal in this indicator.
sunflower seeds
should be considered not only as a pastime, but also as a useful product containing vitamins to improve the skin. Like nuts, seeds contain fats and amino acids. Seeds are also an excellent "supplier" of vitamin D, and even rye bread is ahead of the magnesium content. Recommended for diseases of the liver and biliary tract. However, it is not recommended to fry them, as the beneficial properties are reduced.
- healthy vegetable oils
- healthy vegetables and fruits
- beneficial properties of honey
- the benefits of spices
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