Useful properties of fruits and vegetables

Useful properties of fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are known to be rich in vitamins. Those of them that are orange and yellow: peaches, apricots, oranges, carrots, peppers contain vitamin A (so useful for the heart and blood vessels). Vitamin C (an immune stimulant, a good antioxidant, a "fighter" against cholesterol) is found in large quantities in kiwi, blackcurrant, rose hips and citrus fruits. To increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, pomegranates are indispensable, they are also an excellent antioxidant, and generally improve metabolism, which also affects the appearance.

Fruits are not only rich in vitamins, they "share" their energy with us. Here, for example, during conflict situations, stress, a lot of vital energy is spent, there is a huge surge along with emotions. After that, a person feels lethargy, depression, lack of interest in life. In such situations, fruits that contain the energy of the sun are good, they will help you recuperate. For example, apples, oranges, apricots, etc. - they all grew up on solar plantations, absorbed the energy of the sun and will give it to you. Intuitively, during such periods, you feel the need for them, know that this is a signal from your body: it is trying to recover.

Cucumber , at first glance, an ordinary vegetable with no special properties. But this opinion is erroneous, because it is cucumbers that help cleanse the body of toxins and toxic substances, since they consist of more than ninety percent of water. In terms of cleansing, they are good for the intestines and kidneys. In addition, tartronic acid contained in cucumbers prevents the transition of carbohydrates into fat. What is not a great tool for those who want to lose weight without dieting . Well, for those who want to rejuvenate cucumber face masks are better than any creams. Simply sliced ​​cucumber circles have a whitening and lifting effect on the skin. Make a gruel of fresh cucumber with a couple of drops of olive oil and lemon juice, apply for ten minutes, rinse - the result will be, as they say, there.

Tomatoes , what do we know about them. They are also useful to include in your diet already because they improve digestion. In addition, tomatoes contain lycopene, which prevents the appearance of cancerous tumors (by the way, this substance is better absorbed if you use tomatoes with vegetable oil). Tomato juice is good for the cardiovascular system. The anti-inflammatory effect of tomatoes is also known. By eating tomatoes regularly, you also help maintain vision, improve your brain function, and also protect your body from solar radiation.

Potatoes are so familiar to use that you don’t even think that they can be useful. However, potato tubers are rich in carbohydrates (starch), potassium, phosphorus and iron. The positive effect of potatoes on metabolism is due to the fact that its use contributes to the removal of fluid and salt from the body. Although it must be admitted that the calorie content of this vegetable is high and you should not get involved in its consumption, especially for those who follow the figure. The soothing effect of potatoes is also known in cases of mild burns obtained, for example, from boiling water. To do this, it is enough immediately after receiving a burn to cut a raw potato and attach it to the affected area. If you do it on time, there will be no blister.

Apples contain even more vitamin A than oranges, which confirms their benefits for normalization of metabolism and bone formation. Also, the substances contained in them have antioxidant properties, which contributes to the rapid recovery of the body after an illness and strengthens the immune system. Vitamin C is good for restoring skin elasticity, as it is needed for collagen synthesis. Pectin is also found in apples, it is indispensable for lowering blood cholesterol levels, and is also useful for those who want to lose weight . And that's not all, since apples also contain vitamin B, calcium and many more useful substances.

Dates are loved by many for their exotic taste. Nature endowed these fruits with a whole range of useful microelements: there is calcium, and magnesium, and zinc, and phosphorus, and manganese, and potassium, and iron ... the series can be continued, because there are about fifteen of them. In addition, dates contain fluoride, which is useful for teeth, as well as a number of vitamins of groups A and B, plus a large amount of carbohydrates. In general, dates are just a storehouse of useful substances.

Bananas , at first glance, do not differ much in terms of benefits (more like grass), but they are still very valuable for the body, especially recommended for those who have edema: the potassium contained in bananas helps to remove fluid from the body. Potassium, in addition, is necessary for people with cardiovascular pathology and those who experience cramps in the calf muscles. Bananas are also great for satisfying hunger, but are not recommended for diabetics due to their natural sugar content. In children, bananas almost never cause allergies, so young parents can safely feed their children with this fruit. But overweight people should not get carried away with bananas, because they are high in calories and a banana diet is not entirely suitable for weight loss.


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One Answer

  1. Lera

    Oh, I love all the vegetables and fruits from this list and I can eat them in an unlimited amount. Now summer is just beginning, there will be goodies right from the garden. True, for me there is one “but”, they begin with severe flatulence, bloating, spasms. I read that this is normal, but not pleasant, of course.


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