Nourishing face mask

A nourishing face mask is a must. They even out the skin, make it elastic, and also supply with substances due to which it acquires tone and a healthy color. Remember that before applying masks, the skin of the face must be cleansed.

Nourishing vegetable oil mask for dry skin

Vegetable oil contains various vitamins, including the vitamin of youth known as vitamin E. It is easy to supply the skin with a youthful "elixir" using an oil mask. Heat the oil to a warm temperature in a water bath. Saturate them with gauze, put on your face. The healing compress is ready. Hold for twenty minutes.

Nourishing mask based on honey

For dry skin, the option of preparing a mask with honey is as follows: for two teaspoons of honey, add a teaspoon of freshly brewed loose leaf tea, as well as two tablespoons of crushed oatmeal. Some warm water. Mix until smooth and apply on the face.

For oily skin, a slightly different option: take honey and flour in equal parts (two tablespoons each), mix, add egg white. Apply evenly on the face, wait until it dries. Wash off with warm water, then rinse with cool.

Nourishing mask based on egg yolk

It is enough to mix one yolk with freshly squeezed juice of one of the fruits, for example, it is good to use an apple for these purposes. A tablespoon of juice will be enough for your nourishing mask. You can experiment with the juices of other fruits.

Nourishing mask for sagging skin

Honey and glycerin are taken in equal proportions (since we measure everything in spoons, then take a teaspoon of both), separate the yolk, mix everything together until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The mask is ready to be applied.

Nourishing puree mask

Puree, literally. Boiled potatoes in their skins, crush with egg yolk, add milk or cream until a homogeneous slurry is formed. Slightly heat in a water bath, apply should be in a warm form.

Nourishing mask based on radish

Finely grate the radish, squeeze out the juice. Next, in equal proportions of radish-honey-sour cream, mix the components. The hold time of the mask is fifteen minutes, however, refresh the mask every five minutes by applying an additional layer on top.

Nourishing mask of carrots and cabbage

Grate carrots and a small amount of fresh cabbage on a fine grater (you can chop in a blender or pass through a meat grinder). Squeeze out the juice of these vegetables. Dilute the gruel with a teaspoon of honey and sour cream. Apply to face, hold for ten minutes and rinse with warm water.


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