How to get rid of freckles

kak-izbavitsya-ot-vesnushek-02To some, freckles seem like a charming addition to the image of the romantic Alyonushka, but many owners of this phenomenon on their faces still strive to get rid of mischievous sun specks. But if nature has endowed you with fair skin, red hair, then freckles in your case are rather a pattern. And you know better than anyone that they appear during the onset of solar activity, that is, in spring and summer. To be more precise, freckles are a skin reaction to ultraviolet radiation. Usually they appear on open areas of the body: face, décolleté, shoulders.

Given the above facts, women whose skin is sensitive to sunlight need to know some women's secrets in order to prevent the appearance of unwanted sun marks in time.

sunscreen with a high protection factor (SPF) before going out You will need to use such creams during the entire season of solar activity, then you will be able to protect your skin from sun exposure. If you are going on vacation to the southern countries, take care of additional protection options: an umbrella or a wide-brimmed hat will help you hide from direct sunlight. Well, about sunglasses , I think, there is no need to remind you once again.

How to get rid of freckles folk remedies

If the sun has managed to “decorate” your face with a lot of golden dots or even spots, whitening products will help you. Whitening serums and creams today can be easily found and bought in perfume stores.

As for folk recipes for skin whitening, a sufficient number of them are also known. The most popular, perhaps, can be called parsley infusions and compresses. With a decoction obtained from fresh parsley leaves, you can wipe your face in the morning and evening. A mask of parsley juice and sour cream is also good. Apply the mixture on your face for fifteen minutes. Wash off with warm water.

In general face masks , which include parsley, are whitening. You can mix parsley and honey in equal proportions, as well as add lemon juice (only carefully if your skin does not give allergic reactions to citric acid) - also apply on your face for about twenty minutes. Note that lemon juice also has a whitening effect, as well as masks from fresh berries: strawberries, black currants. We must pay tribute to vitamin C - it helps to lighten the skin. So along the way, eat vegetables and fruits that contain this vitamin.

Dandelion root has long been famous for its whitening properties. A decoction of the roots can also be used to wipe the skin several times a day.

A cucumber mask in the summer will refresh your skin and make it a little brighter.

Washing with yogurt serum will also bring you closer to the desired complexion.

Remember that whitening procedures are best done in the evening: it is not recommended to go out into the active sun after them. And, of course, be patient. Any results are achieved gradually. At the very least, you will need at least three weeks for the effect to become noticeable.

How to get rid of freckles

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