Getting rid of obsessive anxiety

Getting rid of obsessive anxiety

Women tend to succumb to false panic moods more often, instilling a sense of anxiety literally from scratch. Usually, impressionable natures very quickly take any negative news or situation personally and begin to “chew” it like mental chewing gum, scrolling through all the possible worst options in their thoughts.

Anxiety can be associated with completely different areas of life. Some women are too worried about the health and future of their children, others are “fans” who have symptoms of various diseases, others are constantly terrified, imagining what can happen to loved ones on the road, at work, etc.

How to drive away disturbing thoughts

Many unknowingly act fundamentally wrong: first they imagine the worst possible scenario, and then they try to convince themselves, like “no, this cannot happen ...” Any mental picture that carries a negative start takes you even further into possible adverse consequences.

    In other words, when there is a struggle, then negative thoughts overcome even more. As soon as you let go of the negative and switch to pleasant dreams, memories, thoughts, you immediately get recharge in the form of a positive charge. Therefore, always adhere to the principle: do not deny something unpleasant, but create something good.

Protect yourself from unnecessary information: do not watch programs about traffic accidents and news in general, as they most often consist of "bad" stories. And all the negative sinks into consciousness much faster, is digested and you, unwittingly, attach yourself to these situations, your brain begins to produce disturbing assumptions. It is difficult to break out of this circle, you begin to get annoyed .

Succumbing to the influx of anxiety, you can feel dizzy, lack of air, wet palms, in general, these are panic syndromes. From such a state, it is urgently necessary to switch to the wave “everything will be fine, everything is already fine, I am completely safe.”

It is very useful at such moments to also try to fix your attention on an object that causes you positive emotions or is neutral. Look at it carefully, think about it. What does it give? This helps to switch thoughts in a different direction, but at the same time you must concentrate on the selected object. Do it with willpower. The more often you practice this, the faster you will learn to switch.

To relieve the symptoms of anxiety, it is useful to take a shower, since water tends to carry away any information with it. Imagine that this shower is healingly cleansing, it washes your body, your soul, you become clean and light. Such meditations perfectly wash off all pretense.

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