A man does not give gifts. How to be?

A man does not give gifts?

For a woman, gifts are a pleasant addition to a beautiful relationship, another proof of His love and a subject for delightful memories. But for some reason, the beloved does not always guess to make you a little happier, does not present gifts, at least small ones. Do not rush to be offended and draw false conclusions, because the brain of a man is arranged differently.

You yourself could observe that little things for men are not so important. Often a gentleman tries to impress you with a choice of vacation spot or with his attention. The context is important to him, the details fade into the background.

In addition, representatives of the stronger half most often do not know how to choose gifts. If asked, they will really find it difficult to answer what to give to their beloved. And, in order not to get into an awkward position, not guessing with the size, color, and with the thing itself, they simply simply do not do what they doubt.

It is much easier to buy flowers, some sweet things that a lady will definitely like and will be a win-win option. That's just the woman herself is unlikely to consider these cute signs of attention as a separate gift, rather, the usual design for a relationship. And this once again emphasizes the difference between male and female thinking.

Why men don't give flowers and gifts

Many guys today are extremely cautious about offerings for another reason: they do not want to become a source of material joy. Everyone wants real relationships, not material exploitation, which many girls strive for. Therefore, as a test of true feelings, your lover may refrain from showing sympathy in the form of pleasant trinkets or expensive jewelry.

    However, the converse statement is also true: if you love, prove it. Feel free to test your close friend for purity of thoughts. If he is turned to you with all his heart, then it will not be a pity for him to make you pleasant in the form of a gift. Hint, show in a magazine, lead to a window. Do not be afraid. So that He does not get confused, give him a specific guideline for his financial capabilities.

Believe me, men could give gifts more often if they didn’t get lost in the abundance of goods in the store, where they don’t look so often and on a specific occasion. Look for something, I don't know what, it's not for them. But a specific request is quite suitable for fulfillment.

How to get a man to give gifts

Always remember that a man thinks in whole categories, and a woman considers any situation to the smallest detail, up to self-digging “maybe I’m ugly , so he doesn’t plan to continue a relationship with me for a long time.” You should not torment yourself and rush things, if you are really important to him, then sooner or later he will want to give you some valuable surprise that proves his serious intentions regarding you. In the meantime, this time has not come - wait, everything is ahead.

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