Mistress. When does she appear?

Anger, indignation, rage - this is what a woman experiences when she finds out that her beloved has taken a mistress. It's even worse if he doesn't even try to hide it. After the first emotional showdown, painful everyday life begins. Then the deceived woman never ceases to wonder why, what he found there on the side, what makes me bad ... The main thing is that all these torments are not in vain. If you manage to understand the reason, then there will be a chance to fix everything. On this page of the site of women's secrets, we offer a few tips, perhaps they will help you figure it out.

Mistress. When does she appear?

  • He needs confirmation that he is still in good sexual shape. If a marriage approaches another family crisis, a man often wants to make sure once again that he is attractive to women. What is the best evidence for this? The mistress will show and prove that he is the best, and he is back on horseback. At times, relationships with mistresses begin out of boredom: everything just goes according to knurled, no shakes for you. Life in marriage is monotonous: work-home and vice versa.
  • The wife less and less speaks affectionate words, more often turns to her if something is needed in the household. But in vain, because it is on the woman that the scenarios of everyday life are kept. If you want your husband to wake up, do not let him hang. Frequent excommunication on business trips is a sure factor for the appearance of a mistress.
  • A man needs to brighten up dull business days. And if he went to raise a business in a neighboring city - write wasted. A man cannot be without a woman for a long time, therefore, if the wife remains at home, then there, in a new place, there will definitely be someone to replace her. Do not let go or go with your husband.
  • Lovelace does not require an excuse. If you already knew that he would not miss a single skirt, why did you have to get married. The presence of a mistress in this case is a priori.
  • If before the wedding your spouse did not have the opportunity to work up properly, to gain experience, then it is likely that he will catch up for lost time in the process of living together with you. The mistress in this case will create the desired contrast, and perhaps open her eyes to the fact that women are so pleasantly different.

It is clear that in any case, the wife does not want another woman to appear, but this is inevitable if no efforts are made to preserve family happiness. So you have to work on yourself in bed, and refresh your appearance so that other men begin to look around on the street. Then the husband will say: "You yourself need such a princess."

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