Workaholic: to be or not to be

Perhaps someone would like to become a workaholic, but cannot force himself to go headlong into work: there are more interesting classes. However, some, regardless of gender, manage to devote themselves entirely to work, even if it is unloved. Let's try to figure out who a workaholic is and why he became one.

Both men and women can be workaholics. But for them, such a “worship” of work, rather, is not a feat, but just an opportunity to get distracted, or to survive. Yes exactly. For example, it is known that a woman whose husband abuses alcohol becomes a workaholic (or workaholic). It is easy to explain this phenomenon: someone must support the family and feed the children, while the spouse is under the influence of the green serpent.

The fact that she got an alcoholic husband is another story, but since such “happiness” has already fallen, be kind - get out somehow. So you have to take overtime, extra shifts and so on. In this situation, any income, even insignificant, is worth its weight in gold.

Another category of workaholics are people who are afraid of being left without income. They don't think about how to love the job , they worry about how not to lose it. These are, for example, single women who are no longer 20 years old, and they understand that if they lose this job, they will be left without a source of income (and they will not find a new one soon). This thought terrifies them, and they try their best to hold on to their place. Workaholics are beneficial to the authorities: they are ready to work hard, while they do not have special requirements.

Very often, those who had nothing, that is, people from poor or large families, fall into the category of workaholics. Also limits. Many people come to big cities from the hinterland, and in order to somehow stay afloat, earn their bread and rent, they have to work two or three jobs. Of course, they don’t get enough sleep, sometimes you have to plow without days off. And what to do: if you want to break into people, you have to sacrifice something.

Separately, I would like to say about those who took a loan on their head for several years (well, if only for five) and pay decent amounts monthly. In this situation, as they say, you will not turn up your nose. Even if there are conflicts at work , there is only one way out - to work further, because debts must be paid off. Isn't it a familiar situation?

Well, managers striving to build a career, heads of departments, business owners (all of them need to be controlled at the workplace, otherwise - kirdyk) - this is generally a separate conversation. They are married and married to work. Because if there is a lot of responsibility, you have to give yourself to the rest. But is it good, let's try to understand.

What is the risk of a workaholic

First of all, your health. You don't have to be super observant to notice how workaholics behave. In the morning - coffee, watching the news and work plan. Immediately or a little later - a smoke break. Then solving acute issues at a planning meeting, getting stressed, and again a smoke break ... And so on. Of course, you can smoke in the open air (although there is little benefit from this), and then work again in a stuffy room. And so the whole day, and often - until late at night.

What is the result? Quite a predictable picture. Due to chronic fatigue - high blood pressure, heart problems, the list goes on because the body wears out. Secondly, which spouse will endure such a rhythm of life. Here are the conflicts in the family. Thirdly, when you spend all your time at work, you don’t even have time to spend the money you earn, while employees with lower salaries enjoy shopping.

In life, all sides must be balanced, a bias in one of them leads to the fact that all the others suffer. So think about whether you are ready to be left alone with work, while knowing that it is impossible to control everything and not earn all the money, or the interests and feelings of your loved ones are also dear to you. If you are a workaholic, the decision is yours.

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