What helps women live longer

women live longer than menWhat helps women live longer?

It is so arranged by nature that a woman is a womb for the birth of a new life, her body is tuned to bear a fetus, and therefore the behavior of female representatives is always more measured and cautious than that of men.

    The male essence is to penetrate into the essence of any phenomenon, which is due to the presence of the male hormone testosterone. For this reason, boys are more mobile and curious than girls. But this also leads to more frequent injuries.

A woman always has a waiting position, a man has an aggressive one, tuned in to mastering everything that he wants and is able to achieve. This alignment explains why the representatives of the stronger sex are at the greatest risk in life: they have to earn a livelihood, which is associated with emotional and physical losses.

    The next significant factor is the stability of the psyche. Women in different situations act most carefully. A striking example is driving a car: ladies are always more careful on the road, they are not inclined to seat strangers in the salon, and the sports interest “who is faster” is not inherent in them either. Men are characterized by impulsiveness, sharpness and the ability to respond quickly. The same can be said about behavior at work. For the sake of a career and self-affirmation, a man is ready to sacrifice everything and take on a huge responsibility for doing business, while family happiness is more important for a woman.

We all also know that boys are forbidden to cry from an early age. Meanwhile, the containment of emotions has a very detrimental effect primarily on the vascular system. Adult men also do not like to discuss the state of their health and avoid visits to the doctor, which leads to the launch of chronic processes.

Suppressing their anger, many husbands are attacked by hysterical wives. As a result, during a family conflict , the frantic cries of the wife help her get rid of the negativity, and the husband, on the contrary, has to restrain his impulses, because hitting a woman is the last thing. And yet, despite this preponderance in favor of ladies, married men live longer than bachelors.

Males are most vulnerable between the ages of 55 and 65, especially if a person has worked as a manager, his cardiovascular system is more likely to wear out. In addition, with the loss of a leadership position, the main meaning of life is lost, so many male leaders pass away after retiring.

What are the ladies to do? Take care of your husbands, cut them less, urging them to find a better paying job. Always remember that the higher the salary, the more stressful your spouse's job is, and the greater the risk it poses to his health.

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