Career growth and career

Each of us is faced with such a concept as a career and career growth. Few can clearly say what it is. In fact, this definition describes the position of a person in any sphere of life.

So, for a proper understanding, it is necessary to understand what career growth can contribute to:

  • the better the career, the more earnings;
  • a person with good career growth may have a lot of power in their hands;
  • status in society is growing;
  • Depending on the expansion of powers, the level of responsibility also grows.

After reviewing the above information, it should be concluded that a person’s life in society, the relationship of employees and relatives directly depends on a career.

Career and career development

Most often, this term is applied to professional activities. Very often they denote official or professional growth. Only by considering the characteristics of each type, you can understand what it is.

The main feature of a professional career is that it serves as a kind of foundation for an official one. This concept includes all the qualities of an employee, the level of development of his abilities. Thanks to the official career, you can see the process of promotion of an employee in the enterprise. Proper and professional possession of these characteristics only contributes to the well-coordinated work of the team and additional stimulation of employees.

For a complete understanding, you can consider in detail the concept of a business career. So, as you can see, this term describes the position of a person in the workplace. Thanks to him, you can consider all the movements on the career ladder.

They can also be divided into several subspecies:

  • vertical career. It is considered the main one in the formation of the status of an employee;
  • horizontal career. Most often, it is characterized by the acquisition of new skills and advanced training without changing the position. Its indicators do not affect the status of the employee.

Nothing can influence a person's career like himself and his actions. From correctly formed desires, goals, attitudes depends on how high the career ladder will be. The very first indicator on the path of career growth should be a clear definition of one's own skills: what abilities can best manifest themselves in, what the employee's interest is most of all. It is important that the movement is only forward, no matter what.

In order to better understand what is at stake, you can familiarize yourself with the types of career growth:


Career types

  • The main one, perhaps, can safely be called progressive. Thanks to him, the employee gets the opportunity to rise to a higher level of career. It is worth saying that in connection with this, there is an increase in responsibilities and opportunities.
  • It should be assumed that with the existence of a progressive species, there is also a regressive one. It's the complete opposite of him. In this case, the career is not growing, but rapidly falling. This may be affected by the age characteristics of the employee, the decline in physical strength and the inability to conduct well-coordinated work.
  • There is also a linear view. Here, all processes go sequentially and measuredly, as if in a straight line.
  • The opposite of it is non-linear, when all processes go differently, either sharply up or down. This is highly unstable and very inconvenient for any person.
  • There is also a spiral view. In it, too, all processes go very smoothly and evenly.
  • There are times when there are no processes at all in career politics. This type is called stagnation.

Having analyzed the main types, you can talk about the subspecies that can be found in any organization:

The first type of career , often found within any particular organization, is called intra-organizational. It is he who includes all the stages of growth, thanks to which you can see the whole process of promotion of any employee and promotion. This includes two subspecies, the first is specialized, the second is non-specialized.

The second species consists of exactly the same subspecies. The only significant difference here is that an employee's career growth can take place in various organizations. This type is called interorganizational.

Analyzing each subspecies separately, it is worth noting that a specialized type of career includes the possibility of passing the work process at various enterprises by an employee engaged in a particular profession

For non-specialized, it is absolutely not important to strictly comply with the chosen profession. As well as the choice of production, it can change. It is permissible.

A step career can combine different types, it can be both vertical-horizontal and intra-organizational-interorganizational.

There is also a hidden kind of career. As the name implies, this view is not available to everyone. Its main task is the rapid achievement of the core of the enterprise, that is, the place of the head.

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