Express weight loss

Keeping a diet all the time is not within the power of every woman: you need some kind of endurance and purpose. For example, you want to go on vacation to the sea and, of course, you want your friends and relatives to admire later not only the southern landscape in the photographs, but also your perfect figure. However, with all the desire to impress, you do not want to torture yourself with malnutrition and exercise. Therefore, express weight loss , shortly before the event or departure.

So you decided to bring the figure back to normal, where to start. If your body is healthy, then two or three days of fasting or a kefir diet will help to remove the stomach, however, if you had a small one. But this method also has disadvantages: firstly, it is unacceptable for those who have diabetes mellitus, gastritis with high acidity and other diseases - here any independent “body movements” must be agreed with the attending physician. Secondly, short-term hunger strikes, although they give a result quickly, but it disappears at the same speed, since the effect is tied to a slowdown in metabolism (the body simply saves energy). But when he digests food (albeit low-calorie) - energy costs are greater, respectively, the result is more noticeable.

Express weight loss in two days

To reduce body volume before the holiday, it is enough to adhere to a special diet and behavior for a couple of days. To do this, set yourself up to get results, most importantly, remember your dream: why do you need it. That is, if you want to look the best at the holiday, then always keep in mind your ideal image and how everyone already admires you.

Devote the morning of each of the three days before the holidays to a positive attitude and pumping your body with energy. To do this, do not forget to do exercises and a contrast shower to improve blood circulation. Drink a glass of cold water with honey on an empty stomach. Remember that the body spends a certain amount of energy on cold water (warms it). Breakfast from foods containing protein will contribute to long digestion: protein foods take longer to break down, respectively, this is again energy costs. Specifically, for such a breakfast, a boiled egg with rye bread, sour-milk products with cereal, or something like that is suitable.

Try to move more during the day. Before dinner, drink a mug of green tea (it improves the functioning of the digestive system) and eat a few slices of lemon or grapefruit. Citrus enzymes are known to promote fat burning. For lunch, choose lean meat dishes, you can choose hard wheat pasta. Salads from vegetables and fruits. Chew thoroughly, then you will be satisfied with less food.

An hour and a half after dinner, you can again drink cold water with honey. In general, water helps to remove all excess from the body. Therefore, in these two or three days, try to drink more water (at least one and a half liters). Don't forget to move more. If possible, replace all trips with walking (including to and from work). More fresh air means more calories burned.

As an afternoon snack - a glass of kefir. For dinner, which, according to the rules, you should not have later than seven in the evening, choose a light salad. But before that, again - a glass of cold water with honey, a slice of grapefruit. Try eating garlic too (if the smell doesn't bother you), garlic helps burn fat. Just eat it in reasonable amounts so as not to harm the pancreas. Also apply massage of biologically active points of the foot. To do this, walk barefoot on a special rug or rough surface. Even later (but not just before bedtime), you can drink a mug of green tea without sugar.

Repeat all exercises and diet the next day. You can adjust it for yourself, the main thing is that the principles of activating processes in the body are observed, aimed at the rapid removal of fluid and a decrease in body volume.

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