How to meet a man

How to meet a man

Acquaintance is a delicate task, especially when a lady wants to get acquainted. So far, attempts to contact...
How to ask a man for money

How to ask a man for money

How to ask a man for money? The question, of course, is a delicate one, but not so rare, I must say. This often...
How to return borrowed money

How to return borrowed money

In life, it often happens that out of good intentions, having entered the position of, say, a close friend, you gave her ...

How to understand a man

Women, although they themselves are mysteries, sometimes cannot understand the more predictable behavior of men. Is it due to...

How to get over a breakup

Breaking up a relationship with a man is not such a rare occurrence these days. People seem to have forgotten how to understand each other ...

How to re-educate a husband

On the topic of re-educating a husband, women can discuss for hours. Well, still, if you remember what he was, and what ...
How to deal with irritability

How to deal with irritability

How to deal with irritability? Each of us knows that state when everything around infuriates, starting from the very ...

How to let go of resentment?

Resentment is the same emotion that a person experiences many. But if the offense is hidden, not forgiven, then it ...