How to re-educate a husband

On the topic of re-educating a husband, women can discuss for hours. Well, still, if you remember what he was, and what is now - heaven and earth. And so you want constancy, in the sense: he would always be such an elegant gentleman, as before marriage, or at least as in the first two years of marriage. So, can you bring back the past ...

But, dear ladies, we constantly forget that everything is in our hands. Just don’t think in the literal sense that now you need to go and give him a good thrashing, they say, not like flowers from you, I don’t remember good words when I heard it. You have to come in from the other side. There is a banal expression - "start with yourself." Maybe it’s rather tired (well, how long can you start with yourself, even if HE is already straining your brains), but the point is that we create all this theater of the absurd that is going on in our lives with our own behavior, actions, attitude.

Therefore, to make your fairy tale come true, start the transformation with yourself. For example, in the evening, lying in bed, whisper in his ear: “you are such a macho today,” and then you can turn away and sleep peacefully, if you fall asleep at all. Believe me, with just one phrase you will cheer him up so much that he will not be able to sleep anymore and, of course, will not let you. Another example: find virtues in your husband (even if it seems to you that he consists of only shortcomings, he still has at least one virtue), and begin to exalt, cultivate this positive side in him. You will be surprised how much things will change.

You can also do with those qualities or traits that you would like to see in your husband, just tell him how kind, sweet, sympathetic he is. You have no idea how a hero-lover or a caring father can be reborn from your “worthless” spouse. Little things can transform your life so much that you yourself will then be surprised: how did this never occur to you before.

Remodeling a husband is a thankless task

Here's the answer to your question: do you want to be remade? It is unlikely that the answer will be in the affirmative, because no one wants to be remade, everyone thinks that she is already good and should be appreciated. But you won’t get far with this approach, because you also need to appreciate the fact that the person living next to you suffers a lot of your shortcomings (or are you made up of only virtues?). Therefore, the compromise is such that sometimes you need to close your eyes to the shortcomings and exalt the virtues.

In the end, when you got married, you knew what family the person was from, what kind of relationship there were between his parents, which in fact became a model of his behavior in the family. But you were ready to start life with this man, which means that his shortcomings didn’t really bother you before, because you were focused on other sides. Now, focus on the good.

And most importantly, do not compare your husband with the husbands of your girlfriends. Believe me, those also have enough shortcomings, only you see what you want to see. In general, comparison is not the best option for finding a solution, especially in relationships. If you start comparing, you will definitely find a bunch of minuses, but you need it. Better to focus on something good. While you are thinking how bad your husband is , other women, meanwhile, will find a lot of advantages in him, well, who will he listen to, in your opinion? So it's better to take the process under your control, as they say, the spool is small, but expensive.

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