If the husband is henpecked

Male henpecked man , completely under the influence of his other half, loses his individuality and charm. Rather, he looks like a miserable attachment to his domineering wife. However, this is an extreme form of henpeckedness, when the wife completely suppresses any manifestations of personality in a man. It looks something like this: a portly woman, of a very impressive size, walks, for example, around the store, and a frail little man drags behind her, and drags a bunch of knapsacks, listening in parallel to a good portion of criticism in her direction. And he's not the only one who hears this. And all bystanders with sympathy see them off with their eyes.

Men's opinion

If you ask the men, none of them consider themselves henpecked (or at least do not show it). However, in the presence of his wife, they seem to be speechless and implicitly follow all her instructions.

Initially, such men unconsciously attract powerful women who suppress their own personal beginning. The roots lie far back in childhood. Perhaps they were under constant pressure before, or the mother always played a decisive role in the family. In general, the potential of such men is so low or “buried” and suppressed that they unwittingly choose their other half, under the influence of which they are all their lives. They even lack the will to break off relations: they get used to their status so much.

Consciously making a henpecked husband out of a husband is a thankless task, first of all for the wife herself. Firstly, a strong personality will never allow his inner freedom to be seized, he will not allow himself to be made a laughingstock in front of everyone. Public humiliation is the height of cynicism, disrespect and boorish attitude. A woman who does this risks being left alone. If she could put herself in the place of her partner, she would very quickly understand how much such an approach hurts pride, especially men's. In this situation of relations, a man often gets a mistress, who gives him the desired feeling of his significance and importance, which he does not get at home.

At the same time, a man does not necessarily have the status of a simple worker. Often everything happens exactly the opposite. The hard worker is the head of the family, whose wife sits with a bunch of children at home and all her hope and support is he, the breadwinner. But among the chiefs of different levels of henpecked, there are more. It is at work that they are brave leaders, and at home they are uncomplaining subordinates. Perhaps this is not expressed so straightforwardly, but with her tantrums, endless claims, the wife simply forces her husband to do everything to please her. And he has no other choice: otherwise, he will have to listen to all her cries and cries. He chooses the lesser of two evils.

The Other Side of the Medal

Any husband is always under the influence of his wife. This is fine. People living together, having common interests, living together, cannot but influence each other. The degree of such influence matters. It is undeniable that in some matters women understand better than men, and the opposite is also true. Therefore, the influence of the second half is also for good. In any case, in some matters (for example, in the economic part), the wife is the undisputed leader.

And finally, a small oriental parable about henpecked husbands. The padishah gathered all the men from the immediate vicinity. He put up two tents and said: whoever considers himself henpecked, let him go to the left tent, and whoever does not consider himself to be such, to the right. All the men, except one, went into the left tent. And only one representative of the stronger sex - to the right. When the padishah asked him how it happened that of all he was the only one who did not consider himself henpecked, he replied that his wife forbade him to go along with everyone, so he went to the right tent.


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One Answer

  1. Alexander

    I'm under the heel of my wife, and it suits us. I obey my wife, I always advise, I will tell you everything. And I'm never drunk, and I'll do the cleaning and cook. And we live happily for more than 20 years. And I think it's good.


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