In this article, we will not mention the variants of extreme obesity, which in its classical manifestation, thanks to television and the Internet, appears to us in the form of an immense mass of the human body, hanging from the place that used to be called the waist, fatty folds. In this article we will try to tell what are the causes of obesity? (accumulation of excess fat, regardless of its volume), let's say, at the household level. In other words, let's try to figure out why we are getting fat, although, it seems, we don't eat much.
Causes of obesity
It may seem boring and outdated, but the first thing you should pay attention to is the quality of the food . It is important to imagine which foods contribute to greater fat deposition. There is no need to discover America here: everything sweet, starchy foods, including potatoes and so on, belongs to carbohydrate foods. Of course, the body needs it, but in moderation. It is necessary because just carbohydrates are the basis for obtaining glucose, and it, in turn, is a source of energy for various needs of the body.
More precisely, the mechanism works like this: every time after a meal, glucose from the intestine enters the bloodstream, which is simultaneously accompanied by the release of insulin. Thanks to insulin, part of the glucose enters the cells and is already used there for its intended purpose, that is, as fuel for your motor activity, for growth. As soon as all the containers for "storage" and energy consumption are filled, the surplus is stored in reserve.
When you eat a large amount of carbohydrates every day, the conversion of glucose into energy slows down (due to the complex transformations of one substance into another), that is, the body's response to constantly high blood glucose levels is kind of blunted. What's happening? It is not difficult to guess - the process of production of body fat begins to dominate. Therefore, instead of being tempted to eat a bun once again, it is better to replace it with a protein product, because proteins do not contribute to the appearance of fat or excess weight - as you wish.
Unnoticed causes of obesity
We often eat on autopilot. How? Very simple. While watching your favorite movies or shows. Here, tell me, what do you spend your commercial break time on? Run to the fridge, make a quick sandwich and run back to the TV. Well, of course, then you are already watching ads and chewing at the same time. How much you manage to throw “into the furnace” is an open question (or, as they say, how much will go in), but everything that you brought and even more is included, because at this time you do not control your appetite, but simply eat on autopilot. So, pay more attention to what you do during the commercial break. At least understand what you are eating immeasurably.

reasons leading to obesity
Second moment. It turns out that fullness can accumulate even due to the fact that your nose constantly picks up the aromas of food being cooked, the smells of baking are especially “caloric” ones. That's why chefs are almost always fat people.
And it is also known that night owls who like to read a book until late in the weak light of a night lamp also belong to the category of people gaining weight. The reason is the light of a night lamp, because of it the production of melatonin in the body is disrupted. As a rule, this process occurs at night, and bright light blocks its synthesis. Melatonin indirectly participates in the regulation of the endocrine system, affects the fat-carbohydrate metabolism in the body, lowers cholesterol levels. So think about whether it is worth staying up at night by the light of an electric lamp.
Everything in the body and the environment is interconnected, so manage internal processes through your mood and your knowledge of the possible results of your actions.
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For a long time I personally could not understand why I was gaining weight, only a few years later I figured it out. At work, I practically did not eat, and when I came home in the evening, I ate to satiety and went to bed. On weekends, she did not want to go anywhere, in general she led an inactive lifestyle. Plus, I had chronic constipation. At the very beginning of my weight loss, I was advised to get rid of constipation. Physical exercise. Now I regularly do exercises and I think to buy an exercise bike.