How to deal with excess weight

How to deal with excess weight?

How often do you catch yourself on the fact that the feeling of hunger has not yet appeared, and your hand is already reaching for the refrigerator: is there something delicious there. Or, while having a nice conversation with a friend, you notice that the amount of cake on your plate has decreased significantly. This is how excess weight sometimes accumulates naturally, and all because you do a lot unconsciously.

Some women "seize" stress. In such cases, appetite acts as a protective function of the body. However, with the onset of enlightenment, another sadness appears - noticeably rounded forms. What to do? Watch yourself more often, and you will be able to prevent uncontrolled eating, and, accordingly, avoid the question of how to lose weight .

How weight is gained (mechanism).

If you imagine the whole process of gaining excess weight in detail, you will have a different attitude towards food intake.

So the bottom line: every time after a meal, a certain amount of sugar enters the bloodstream. The pancreas immediately regulates this process by releasing insulin, and everything returns to normal. Excess insulin is exported to muscle cells, the rest - to fat. If you move little, then the muscle demand for sugar is minimized, the logical conclusion is that fat is produced from excess sugar. And everything is in direct proportion: eat more - more insulin is released - more fat is deposited.

Not the best option - eat rarely. It often happens with workaholics: they worked all day, there was no time left for lunch. Naturally, in the evening, dinner is combined with lunch (the amount of food consumed is more than it should be for one meal). As a result, overeating is inevitable. A useful conclusion: if you eat often, but little, then the deposition of fat will be minimal.

You should also pay attention to the composition of food. Flour carbohydrates are easily digested: buns, cakes and other products - they cause rapid deposits. Slowly absorbed complex carbohydrates, which are found in cereals, beans, vegetables. In addition, these same foods are rich in fiber, and it is digested slowly. Accordingly, the release of insulin is negligible.

Conclusion: if you want to stabilize your weight, choose foods containing complex carbohydrates.

About the benefits of breakfast

People who do not pay special attention to the role of breakfast do it in vain. Of course, in the morning you don’t really want to eat, the body just woke up and didn’t have time to get hungry. Meanwhile, energy production depends on how much you have refreshed yourself in the morning. A hearty breakfast can charge you so much that you will have enough strength until lunchtime. But the whole point here is that regular breakfasts help maintain the rhythm of energy production, and, accordingly, maintain a good level of metabolism.

If you neglect the morning meal, then the daily energy requirement gradually (over the years) decreases, so the calories received by the body remain unclaimed (and these are deposits again). That is why, by the age of thirty, many have extra fat: metabolic processes have slowed down as a result of the banal neglect of breakfast.

And so that the body wakes up on time and wants to have something to eat, get up a little earlier, do exercises, cheer up, then morning tea drinking will be very appropriate. By the way, more useful in the morning will be a protein food sandwich with butter (bread, perhaps grain or bran), an egg, yogurt with muesli or cereal, tea and coffee - preferably without sugar (extra carbohydrates are useless). This is how you can gradually save or (who has lost) restore a full-fledged metabolism.

Try it and, as they say, feel the difference.

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