How to get rid of acne at home

Not only teenagers are thinking about how to get rid of acne and blackheads. This problem happens after twenty years and even after thirty. The reasons are different.

In youth, red acne is an "advertising company" of adolescence. Everything is explained by the intensive work of the sebaceous glands, and the disorder of the digestive system makes itself felt. The consumption of carcinogens along with soda, chips and hamburgers plays a role in this. Well, at an older age, skin rashes on the face are increasingly associated with alcohol abuse, smoking, a consequence of chronic diseases, and stress.

To fight acne, proper care is first of all important. Some mistakenly assume that the correctness lies in frequent washing. However, this will only lead to new foci of inflammation, since microbes will also be carried along with the water. It is better to wash your face as usual: twice a day using Clerasil. This remedy really helps young skin. In addition, there are medical cosmetics for problem skin, for example, Bioderma and others. Some are sold in pharmacies.

If clear skin seems to you an unattainable ideal, you will have to work hard. Since the face reflects the state of the internal organs, and primarily the digestive system, you need to think about less consumption of foods that irritate the gastric mucosa, putting a strain on the liver and kidneys. Eliminate salty, spicy and fatty foods from your diet. But the variety of fresh fruits and vegetables is worth thinking about.

In especially severe cases, before engaging in amateur activities, it is recommended to consult a specialist who will prescribe a comprehensive treatment. You may need to cleanse the body, without it, in some cases, external lotions simply will not play a role.

Masks for acne

Face masks should be chosen according to skin type. With acne, the following compositions of masks and infusions help:

    A blue clay mask dries out inflamed areas well. For the best effect, mask powder should be mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice and the same portion of calendula tincture. Apply and wash off when dry. Juice, squeezed from aloe leaves, which must be kept in the refrigerator for a day, wipe the skin twice a day. An excellent remedy for inflammation on the skin is tea tree oil. Lubricate each pimple several times a day. A solution of water with lemon and calendula tincture is also good. Per liter of liquid, a tablespoon of both. Wash your face twice a day. A mixture of honey and calendula tincture in equal proportions (one teaspoon each) is also an effective remedy.

If you are already engaged in the health of your skin, pay attention to nutrition. Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet, and you should also drink at least 2.5 liters of water per day. This is a kind of shower for the body, only from the inside. Water flushes out toxins. For the process of digestion (so that there is no constipation) in the morning on an empty stomach, you can drink a glass of tolerably hot water.

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