Cracked heels, calluses

Cracks in the heels

Cracked heels are quite common. Healthy heels are smooth and pink. When they do not cause inconvenience, then there is no time to take care of them. Well, in general, this is a habitual behavior for many: as long as there is no discomfort, it is reluctant to engage in prevention. But when it becomes simply unbearable, then only a person begins to think: how to fix the problem as soon as possible, where to get a magic potion ...

We dedicate this page of the site for women to the prevention and treatment of such an unpleasant phenomenon for women's heels as cracks. Where does this disease come from? Many factors can be the reason. Cracks occur as a manifestation of a skin disease (dermatitis or fungus), appear as a result of wearing tight shoes (which contribute to circulatory disorders), the cause is both excess weight, as a load on the heels, and metabolic failures, beriberi ... In a word, there are enough provoking factors .

And what to do if what happened happened: cracks appeared, and with them a reason for concern. After all, the deeper the cracks, the greater the likelihood of infection. But do not panic.

How to deal with cracks

Today there are enough funds to cope with this problem. If cracks are a consequence of a fungus, then antifungal ointments will save the day. In other cases, you can try these options: steam out the heels, remove the excess with a pumice stone, or carefully cut off with nail scissors. Abundantly smear the skin of the heels with petroleum jelly at night and put on socks, after wrapping the legs with cellophane (so as not to smear it on the bed). In the morning, the heels will noticeably become softer. Repeat the procedure periodically. But not so often, because excessive care does not allow the skin to fully recover. A finely chopped onion will also help. Apply to sore spots, wrapping your legs. According to the same scheme, you can try to apply honey (its healing properties have long been known). Do the same for the night. After the above procedures, lubricate the heels with a fat cream. Softness guaranteed.

Corns. Every woman knows firsthand about them, especially when she buys new shoes. Now that's a leg test! So Rule #1 for preventing blisters is not to wear tight shoes, or to walk in tight shoes for too long.

Remedies for calluses. Aloe juice has a good healing property. To do this, take aloe leaves, grind, apply to the damaged area, preferably at night. Repeat until the healing process is evident. If the corn appeared in the summer, use plantain leaves according to the previous scheme. Garlic is also a wonderful remedy. Garlic gruel should be applied to the damaged area after steaming. It can also be done at night.

For every woman, there is sure to be her own effective remedy. Try, but do not start leg problems.

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