Acne on the pope: causes

It's not very fun when you have acne on your butt, and you are a woman. This is how many inconveniences at once: you won’t go to the beach in a swimsuit (especially if its lower part is a thong), you don’t really want to go to the sauna with friends or girlfriends either. And besides, pimples on the pope cause so much discomfort: they itch and hurt at the same time. How to be in this situation?

First, do not confuse acne with boils. The latter are usually of impressive size, have a large area of ​​redness, are very sore, suppurate and can be the cause of improper metabolism. In this case, immediately see a doctor, otherwise the consequences can be very unpleasant and even dangerous to health.

Secondly, with regard to acne, their appearance is often due to the fact that the very place where they appeared is constantly rubbing against all sorts of surfaces. Thus, the supply of oxygen is reduced to a minimum. Even the fact that the sebaceous glands of the skin of the buttocks secrete little fat does not save from the appearance of acne. It affects the lack of moisture and clogging of pores. Fortunately, there are not as many acne on the priest as acne on the forehead , for example.

As a means of combating rashes on the pope, you can use an alcohol tincture of iodine: it perfectly disinfects and has a resolving effect. Don't wait for pimples to mature. As soon as you find redness, immediately cauterize or smear with salicylic ointment.

In order for the skin of your buttocks to regularly receive its portion of care, use moisturizing lotions or body creams, then it will at least retain moisture and serve as a preventive measure against the appearance of new acne.

When you don't have pimples on your butt, use body scrubs in the shower to remove dead skin flakes. Keep in mind that applying this procedure during the period of acne will spread the infection to a larger area.

Pay attention to the fabrics (materials) that surround your soft spot. The fact is that synthetic panties and upholstery (for example, leather seats) do not allow the skin to breathe. Therefore, choose cotton underwear and, if you are sitting on a chair, put knitted cotton rugs, and even better, special linings with ventilation (for example, buckwheat husk pads), then you will not leave acne on the pope the slightest chance.

Do not refuse the opportunity to visit a doctor, as independent methods of struggle are not always appropriate if the problem is inside the body.

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