Mistakes in parenting

Very often, parents face various problems in raising children. Often these problems are generated by the parents themselves with their wrong actions.

Mistakes in parenting

The main sources of lack of discipline are the lack of boundaries, inconsistency on the part of parents and excessive demands.

Why borders are needed

Boundaries in what can and cannot be done help the child navigate his behavior. Parents must clearly distinguish between the "territory" of what is permitted, where the child can act at his own discretion, and the "forbidden zone", beyond which he should not go. Where to draw the line is up to the parent. Perhaps these will be things that can be harmful or dangerous to the life of a child, neglect of elders, etc.


If parents forbid doing something today, and allow it the next day, the child has an internal discord: is it possible to do this or not? These are common mistakes in raising children. You need to be consistent. Often parents give in to their children in their request to take or do something forbidden, motivating themselves by the fact that at the moment they are busy, tired, in a public place, children ask too insistently, etc. Often children know that they can get their way. constant requests, crying and tantrums. When parents "follow their lead", they lose their authority and their word for the child is worth nothing. It is important to learn how to say a firm “no” to your children.

Excessive and excessive demands

In prohibitions and boundaries, the most important rule is "do not overdo it." It is necessary to prohibit very little and what is really necessary. If you forbid everything to a child, then you can achieve the opposite effect. Out of a sense of inner protest, the child will try to break all prohibitions. If the child is calm and obeys domineering parents, it is likely that he will grow up intimidated and lack of initiative.

It is necessary to demand from the child what is appropriate for his age. You should not demand from the baby not to beat the dishes, not to take small parts in his mouth, not to climb into the trash can, etc. You just need to remove them from your field of vision.

Teenagers are often perceived as already adults and constantly make some claims against them. Do not forget that, despite the physical and mental data, they are still children, and do not demand too much from them.


A child's bad behavior in some cases serves as a signal that he lacks attention or is bored. In order to attract the attention of their parents, children often play pranks, do things that they are not allowed to, spoil things, make noise and play pranks.

Young children often receive warmth and affection from their parents. Everyone wants to take the little one in their arms, kiss. But older children need it just as much. It is very important to hug children, smile at them, say: “I love you”, “You are dear to me”. It is important for a child to feel the loving look of a parent on himself, and not just angry (“what have you done again ?!”) and tired (“well, what do you need from me again?”).

Children have a need to be interested in them and their activities. It is necessary to encourage, praise the child, learn about his interests and develop them.

For a lifetime, children remember the moments when they did something with their parents. It can be joint trips to the forest, building a tree house or sewing clothes for a doll.

For the harmonious development of the child's personality, good parents should avoid such mistakes as inconsistency and excessive and excessive demands. Always remember that a child needs warmth and attention from mom and dad.

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