Benefits of chicken and quail eggs

Benefits of chicken and quail eggs

Eggs are essentially a unique product, because chickens (under favorable conditions) appear from them, respectively, eggs contain all the nutrients that are necessary for the growth, development and normal functioning of all organs and systems. Egg white (especially if the egg is soft-boiled) is easily digestible. In addition, the body receives the main essential vitamins: C, B, D, E, amino acids. Micronutrients: phosphorus, so important for hair and bone growth; iron, important for the synthesis of red blood cells; and besides this, iodine, necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. Separately, it should be said about the presence of selenium in eggs - a good antioxidant.

The ingrained stereotype that eggs contain a lot of cholesterol is a thing of the past, since this product contains negligible amounts of saturated fat, which usually provokes deposits on the walls of blood vessels. And the available lecithin prevents the appearance of cholesterol plaques, besides, it is useful for memory, improving brain activity. Vitamin E, so valuable for the prevention of aging, is also found in eggs.

It is very useful to eat a boiled egg for breakfast: it is nutritious and quite suitable for those who are trying to lose weight . It is enough to consume one egg a day to provide the body with nutrients and not harm it, since the measure is important in everything.

And for women who prefer natural cosmetics, recipes for tightening masks based on egg white will come in handy: everyone knows about its tightening properties.

What are the benefits of quail eggs

Quail eggs have long been considered a dietary product, especially for those who are allergic to chicken. Compared to the latter, quail eggs contain two or even three times more of the same nutrients. And the content of potassium, phosphorus, iron, amino acids even more than four times. These eggs are recommended for diseases of the heart, nervous system, cholecystitis, pancreas, stomach and others.

Even the shell of quail eggs contains useful substances: calcium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, iron .. the list goes on for a long time. The therapeutic effect of eating shells is obvious, especially for strengthening bones and teeth in children and the elderly, hair.

The use of powder from the shell of quail eggs practically does not give side effects in the form of deposits in the joints and in the organs of the urinary-genital system.



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