A friend took her husband away: what to do?

Girlfriend took her husband away?

It is not for nothing that a tradition has long existed in Rus': a bachelorette party on the eve of the wedding, so that the bride can say goodbye to her unmarried friends. And after the wedding, everything: a husband's wife should not have single girlfriends, because their interests and affairs now do not intersect with her family concerns. Yes, and it’s not good if a girl comes into the house, whose thoughts are only about where to find her betrothed. And here you don’t need to look when the husband of a friend is in front of your eyes. This is where the danger lies, and then the girl wonders why her close friend decided to take her husband away.

How to protect your husband from the attention of unmarried girlfriends

If you do not want such "happiness", do not bring single girlfriends to the house. You can never be sure that your girlfriend is not capable of this. Anything can happen. She, perhaps, without any malicious intent, will fall in love, as they say, you can’t command your heart. In addition, someone else's husband always seems better. Perhaps the model of behavior in your family will be close to her ideas about family life. Therefore, out of harm's way, meet with such podugs in neutral territory, but do not introduce them to your spouse (in order to maintain relationships with everyone).

What to do if the husband left

The first thought is to avenge him for treason and her impudence often takes place, but is not always justified. If your husband was really dear to you, and you didn’t want to get rid of him, relying on the “help” of your girlfriend, then of course you should think about how to return your husband to the family . The main thing is not to delay, because his long stay with another woman will increasingly alienate you from each other.

Arrange a meeting. If he resists your proposal, say that what happened does not give you a reason to part as enemies. In the end, a huge number of people converge and diverge, but at the same time remain friends. It seems that he will not be against such an approach: after all, he lives in the modern world.

Admit that you were wrong about something, but are ready to reconsider your approach to some things, although it is not gold. Such an attempt at rapprochement can bring results if, before you broke up, there was no serious conversation between you. You both need to know what caused it. If he fell in love without looking back, then he should let him know that everything passes. He succumbed to passion, changing the relationship that you built together for so many years. Also, you may have children. And frivolously leaving all this in exchange for the unknown is unreasonable.

If the husband is adamant, then you are more likely to have to accept his position, because if a man deliberately leaves himself (which does not happen so often), then he made such a decision for a reason. And your revenge in this case will look like hysterical agony. Better let go, resentment will pass with time.

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