How to ask for a pay rise

The thought of raising wages sooner or later visits many employees. Dissatisfaction with one's reward is a natural desire. It is naive to believe that the day will come when the authorities will suddenly see the light and think: “Something for a long time we did not raise the salary of this employee, but she is a valuable shot. We need to rectify the situation urgently.” In some cases, entrepreneurs, on the contrary, dream of hiring an employee who would be a workaholic, who would work for the benefit of the company almost around the clock and preferably “for free”.

On this occasion, an old anecdote suggests itself, which describes the situation: two entrepreneurs are talking. One says to the other: “Imagine, I haven’t paid my salary for half a year, but they still go to work.” To which the other answers him: “And you take it for the entrance ...” That's about the same thing happens when more and more functions and responsibilities are imposed on an employee (as a social burden, so to speak). And he resignedly agrees with everything. Either he is dissatisfied, but he sees no other way out and tries to force himself to love the work with all the shortcomings, "because it is necessary."

Some managers use this technique: they distribute regalia to their employees right and left, publicly praise them, give bonuses in the form of products obtained by barter. The most interesting thing is that it works. It's enough for someone to get the title of chief. This is very self-indulgent. But, on the other hand, in addition to the proud title, the workload also increases, but the salary does not grow so fast. Or not growing at all. Then the question arises: what is the use of such regalia, which are like a sop for human pride. Sometimes in the company all the "bosses" are only here the subordinates are not visible among them.

In general, the meaning is this: if you feel that your work is not being fully rewarded, then there is nothing shameful in asking for an increase in salary. In the end, you spend your time and energy, which should pay off. Otherwise, what's the point of working for the sake of working.

How to justify a request for a pay rise

Of course, “going into the water without knowing the ford” is not worth it. A prepared appeal will make a much greater impression on the authorities than a spontaneous attack, which is more likely to be perceived as nothing more than an emotional outburst. Weighty arguments should become your "weapon" in the struggle for a decent remuneration. So work in this direction.

To do this, you should monitor the market: find out the average statistical data on the salaries of employees in your profile. And you should also familiarize yourself with the list of their duties. The better informed you are in this regard, the easier it will be for you to justify and, accordingly, convince your manager that you deserve more.

It is very appropriate here to use the well-known expression that the market pays you what you are worth. Therefore, it is in your interest to show with concrete examples why you are a valuable employee. Undoubtedly, some success has been achieved through your efforts. Well, put these facts to work. The fewer reasons to disagree with your arguments, the higher the likelihood that you will be met.

Are there any prospects for this place?

Try to step back and look at the situation from the outside: what prospects are possible for you, as an employee, at this enterprise. If you know that your qualifications allow you to occupy only the place where you are now and further advancement is impossible, then it is hardly advisable to talk about something. Everyone has their own potential and abilities. When you are ready to take on new responsibilities, gain the skills necessary to carry them out. The value of your work is paid first of all.

For example, even such a common position as a secretary has a different level of payment in different companies, because somewhere knowledge of English is needed, somewhere the secretary, as an assistant to the head, deals with organizational issues. And where - just answers calls and receives faxes. Agree, the amount of work in each case is different. But if you are sure that the specialist of your profile is valued more by competitors than in your company, while you know that they are ready to hire you there, you can safely put the question point-blank. Because if the authorities, even under this condition, do not deem it necessary to increase your remuneration, you will move to a competing company and will be adequately evaluated, moreover, you will not waste your precious time for the benefit of the old company.

After talking about a pay rise

After the conversation, you will be able to draw very definite conclusions for yourself. If your boss isn't going to give you a pay raise on the grounds that your pay is in line with your job, you should consider this. Perhaps you really just want a promotion, without trying to take on additional responsibility.

On the other hand, maybe you have reached the "ceiling" of growth in this place. And both professionally and financially. Then you should think: what's next, and stagnate in one place? And monotony, as you know, is boring. At the same time, pay attention to the statement that if you do not grow, you will degrade.

The third option is that they do not want to appreciate you. Then, if you still appreciate your professionalism and do not want to sell your work for a penny, you should look for another place.

As practice shows, conversations on the topic of salary increases do not go unnoticed. If, nevertheless, the manager sees a promising employee in you, you will see that very soon he will entrust you with a new, more paid direction. Or wonder if you are motivated enough to work for such a reward. After all, the interest of one employee to a certain extent expresses the opinion of other equivalent specialists. Therefore, a prudent leader will always analyze the situation and make a constructive decision. Rest assured, if he does not want to lose a specialist in your face, he will either go for an additional conversation or find a compromise for your situation.

The conversation will be useful in any scenario. At least for yourself, you can clarify a lot, and this is better than languishing with ghostly expectations.

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