Sweating of hands and feet

Sweating of hands and feet

It is not customary to speak aloud on this topic, especially to women. You can still understand when a man sweats profusely, he nevertheless personifies physical strength and power to a greater extent. And where the load is, there the sweat flows like a river. However, women also have profuse sweating or, scientifically, hyperhidrosis, and at times regardless of physical activity. This is where, indeed, there is a reason for embarrassment, even comedones , acne and enlarged pores fade into the background, because wet palms and feet also have a characteristic smell.

Causes of sweaty hands and feet

Excessive sweating of the palms, armpits, and soles of the feet can be caused by a variety of factors. Heredity matters. In addition, the cause may be nervous disorders, cardiovascular pathology, disorders in the endocrine system. In each case, the cause can be determined by a specialist.

Positive changes bring a healthy lifestyle, hardening, sun and air baths. Well, the best “friend” of the skin is daily hygiene, and in particular taking a shower .

Sweating remedy

Baths with a decoction of oak bark help to get rid of excessive sweating of the feet. It is enough just to hold your feet in warm water with a decoction. Creams containing juniper oil are also good: metabolic processes improve.

Armpits and palms can be treated overnight with boric acid powder. Don't forget to take a shower in the morning to wash away any leftover sweat.

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