Comedones or, in simple terms, black dots, like acne , cause a lot of trouble, especially in adolescence. Well, still: I want to look at the level, and here they are constantly reminded on TV that it’s time to put an end to these black dots. But, eliminating a visible defect, you still need to know about the reasons for its appearance.
Comedones are frequent companions of youth, it is during the period of active puberty that hormonal changes take place in the body, the sebaceous glands at this time work intensively. What are black dots? This is nothing more than oxidized sebum, which clogs the duct of the sebaceous gland, and when squeezed out, it resembles a “worm” with a black head. As a rule, comedones focus on oily areas of the skin. It should be noted that the mentioned problem occurs on the skin after 30 years and at an older age.
The reasons for their appearance can be not only hormonal changes, but also cosmetics that are unsuccessfully matched to the skin type. For example, oil-based cosmetics are not very suitable for oily skin (for obvious reasons: the pores become clogged).
Pay attention to food. Spicy, fatty, fried foods containing carcinogens will not make your face look healthy. In addition, comedones can also appear on the body - this is already a consequence of improperly selected clothing. If you sweat all the time and have to walk the dusty streets, then it makes sense that your pores are also suffering from clogged.
As a fight against black dots, there are many means. But still, visiting a beautician with a certain frequency does not hurt. Moreover, in salons, now such procedures are carried out with little trauma very delicately, which means that no one will see you with a swollen nose.
At home, you can do a gentle cleansing by steaming your face first. You can even do it in the good old way: boil water with the addition of herbs (chamomile, linden) or drip a couple of drops of essential oils, pour it into a convenient container, and then, covered with a towel, sit until the sweat starts to flow, as they say, a river. Sweat is a sure sign that the pores have opened, now you can clean them. However, with dilated vessels, this method is contraindicated.
Protect your nails with a bandage or cotton wool so as not to injure the skin around the comedone. Black dots should be removed very carefully, without overdoing it. After the procedure, treat the cleansed skin with lotion or hydrogen peroxide: it is important that open pores do not become infected.
Clay face masks will also be appropriate Such a mask dries well, removes excess fat, tightens pores. Or any other masks that help narrow the pores .
Regularly use lotions (non-alcohol based) in the morning and evening, so you will remove excess fat, and, accordingly, reduce the likelihood of new comedones. By the way, sebum dissolves well the acids contained in kefir - also take note.
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