How does the belly grow during pregnancy?

This question often worries expectant mothers. Everyone is worried about how fast their tummy grows, whether it became very noticeable too early, or vice versa - it is almost invisible, is this normal? And in general how does the belly grow during pregnancy , what factors affect it? Let's talk about this and more today.

As experts point out, the height of the abdomen (height of the bottom of the uterus) in centimeters usually equals the gestational age in weeks. That is, the 32nd week of pregnancy is characterized by a height of the uterus of 32-33 cm. As for the width (fullness) of the abdomen, it's all about the constitution of a pregnant woman, that is, in her individual characteristics and body structure. So, for example, in slender women with a narrow pelvis, the belly is much more noticeable than in curvy women with wide hips. Although the main factor in the growth of the abdomen remains the overall weight gain.

How does the belly grow during pregnancy?

The rate of your weight gain can be calculated using the body mass index formula. Divide weight (kg) by height (m) 2 . The normal index is a value in the range of 19.8-25.9. For a pregnant woman who is expecting the birth of twins, you need to add another 2.3-4.6 kg to the norm.

How does the belly grow during pregnancy? How is weight gain distributed? 40% - falls on the first half of pregnancy and 60% - on the second.

In the first trimester, with a normal initial weight, a woman gains 1.5-2 kg. The second trimester is characterized by an increase of 500g. weekly. During the 9th month of pregnancy, a woman gains no more than 0.5-1 kg. The normal development of the child will depend on a uniform weight gain.

Is a big weight gain dangerous?

How does the belly grow during pregnancy?The so-called late toxicosis may appear. This phenomenon is unhealthy and dangerous for the pregnant woman and the fetus, since there may be a threat of pregnancy failure, oxygen starvation and a number of undesirable factors. A woman with a strong weight gain feels discomfort in the back and lower abdomen. Extremely severe consequences can be placental abruption and premature delivery.

In addition, excessive weight gain complicates the movement of a pregnant woman, swelling appears, blood flow worsens, varicose veins worsen, fatigue appears and stress arises.

What are the reasons for rapid weight gain?

Not only increased appetite can be to blame for everything. With poor functioning of the kidneys, fluid is retained in the body, as a result of which the pregnant woman recovers greatly. In a healthy body, the amount of fluid excreted is always greater than the amount consumed. If this is not the case, then swelling of the limbs and even internal organs appears, which is especially dangerous for the child. For example, swelling of the placenta impairs the supply of all essential nutrients to the fetus.

How can puffiness be reduced?

Reconsider your diet, first of all. Reduce salt intake, everything spicy and fried, and eliminate fatty foods.

Do unloading for the body once every 10 days. Apples, cottage cheese, kefir, some meat should become the main food. Adhere to bed rest (so excess fluid is removed faster) and drink decoctions of diuretic herbs. At the same time, the volume of liquid drunk remains normal (1-1.5 l / day).

However, in case of impaired renal function, this regimen is not enough. It is necessary to consult a doctor and be under his supervision. But the size of the abdomen also depends on the size of the fetus. So if the fetus is large enough, does this explain the excess weight gain?

Often, large babies are born in women with diabetes. This disease can also occur in a latent form, when a woman is completely unaware of it. During the tests during registration and over the course of pregnancy, the picture will become clearer, since a pregnant woman will have many tests. During pregnancy with a large fetus and with a large increase in weight, a caesarean section is often performed.

During what period of pregnancy is a sharp jump in weight gain highly undesirable?

Of course, this is the second half of pregnancy, more precisely after the 20th week, since it threatens with late toxicosis. Therefore, it is extremely important not to gain extra pounds and monitor weight gain.

Doctors tend to assume that the size of the fetus can be "regulated" by controlling your diet. It should be complete, supplemented with vitamin complexes, preparations for pregnant and lactating women (Pregnavit, Materna, etc.). A small belly is dangerous for premature birth, and a too large belly for difficult delivery. In this matter, the golden mean will be ideal.

Also, the size of the abdomen is affected by the amount of amniotic fluid, which does not depend on the fluid you drink. The cause of polyhydramnios can be diabetes mellitus, Rh conflict, infectious diseases or congenital anomalies.

And, of course, a measured, calm life is recommended for all pregnant women. Since stressful situations directly affect nutrition: either colossal malnutrition or excessive appetite occurs. And in your position, this is not acceptable.

Here's what the overall picture of weight gain during pregnancy looks like on average:

  1. Weight of the child - 3 500
  2. Placenta - 675
  3. Amniotic fluid - 800
  4. Mass of the enlarged uterus - 900
  5. Breast weight - 450
  6. Blood volume - 1 500
  7. Intracellular fluid - 1 400
  8. Adipose tissue - 3 250
  9. The total weight gain was 11,900.


Now you know how the belly grows during pregnancy. Good luck with your pregnancy and beautiful babies)

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