How to lighten your hair yourself

How to lighten your hair yourself?

Blondes often have to tint their roots themselves, because they grow quickly, and every time going to the hairdresser is expensive. On this page we will look at possible methods for lightening hair on our own. But before you get acquainted with the different ways, I want to remind you that you need to do this carefully, without overdoing it, so that your hair does not look like a washcloth with an off-white tint, like a barmaid from Soviet times.

Aggressive clarifying agents (with hydrogen peroxide in the composition) are almost always applied to dirty hair, since the greasy secretions accumulated on them act as a protective layer that prevents the hair from drying out too much after the procedure.

In some cases, a special protective serum is used, which is applied to the strands after washing with an exfoliating shampoo. If clarification will be carried out using special sprays (these are now available in stores), then you will also need to pre-wash your hair. By the way, this kind of funds are activated under the influence of a hair dryer. That is, after washing, the sprays are sprayed over the entire length of the hair, which is then combed and dried thermally.

You will need to repeat several times depending on the original hair color. Of course, not in one day, but every time at the next bath.

Impromptu hair bleaching

A proven method by many - using hydrogen peroxide. You will need peroxide 6% (you can use hydroperite tablets). 50 ml of peroxide is added to a glass of chamomile broth and applied to the hair. Exposure time - no more than 40 minutes. If you need a too light tone, you will have to repeat after a while. Dissolved hydroperite can be mixed with shampoo so that the hair does not dry out quickly after application.

A gentle light shade is also acquired by rinsing clean, damp hair with a mixed decoction of chamomile and onion peel.

Blondoran powder or blondex are also old remedies, but they are very caustic, so you need to use it carefully so as not to get a washcloth out of your hair, which will be difficult to reanimate. For those who dare, there is only one advice - follow the instructions on the package and immediately buy gloves for this business.

There are also quite sparing options in the form of brightening creams. They are convenient in that they do not flow, and they do not need to be diluted, but immediately applied to the hair. Do not forget to test all products for a possible manifestation of an allergic reaction: by applying to the inner bend of the elbow.

If the hair was dyed with henna , it is better not to experiment with lightening, but to wait until it grows back. Those who are especially impatient should be aware that the result can be unpredictable with respect to color.

For hair mask lovers, the option with glycerin is suitable. Pour boiling water over 2/3 cup of dried chamomile flowers, let it brew. After cooling, 60 ml of glycerin is added to the filtered broth. Apply to hair for half an hour, rinse. Not too radical method, but easy clarification is guaranteed.

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