How not to become a victim of a manipulator?

It happens that one person communicates with another and at the same time feels out of place. He evokes various negative emotions in him, despite the fact that they speak on completely abstract topics. As a result, a person asks to do something, but he cannot be refused, as mixed feelings arise, saying that it is necessary to help. How to determine that in different life situations people use emotional blackmail to force a person to do something? And how not to become a victim of a manipulator?

Signs by which you can identify the manipulator

In order not to fall into the trap of a manipulator , you need to reveal the true purpose of the conversation with the person at the beginning of the conversation. So, what features of speech give out manipulators?

  1. Flatters for no particular reason. A person says too much good things, thanks too much, even if there is no special reason. This is done to win over others.
  2. Conducts conversations on abstract topics. One gets the feeling that he is trying to find out some truth that can be used against the interlocutor.
  3. Positive emotions when communicating with a person arise only when he approves of something. In other cases, there is a feeling that the situation is getting out of control, and it needs to be urgently corrected.
  4. Insists on requests, relying on past petty favors.
  5. He says that his attitude will worsen if he is not helped.
  6. Tries to evoke pity by saying that no one else can help.
  7. Can often be offended, and forgives only when he receives something in return.
  8. In situations that are unfavorable to him, he makes him feel guilty, and also plays on self-esteem. As a rule, this is expressed in the words "Before, you were more decent, responsible, responsive ...".
  9. He asks for help surrounded by other people, and asks in such a way that it becomes impossible to refuse before the eyes of eyewitnesses.

how to avoid becoming a victim of a manipulator

All of the above manipulators use in their speeches when they try to take over someone's mind. They deliberately use such semantic constructions that evoke the necessary emotions in a person and play on feelings of social responsibility, self-esteem, attitude towards other people, and so on.

How not to become a victim of a manipulator?

Even if it was possible to identify the manipulator by the listed signs, this does not make communication with him any easier. Negative feelings still remain, everyone also wants to help a person because of the hopelessness of his situation. Very often, manipulators find their victim at work, thereby trying to build a career with the wrong hands.

Of course, there is no need to try to extinguish feelings by fulfilling the request of the manipulator. You have to be able to find ways to play back with the person. But it is not always possible to carry out retaliatory strikes on your own - sometimes more professional help is required.

Ability to refuse

The task of all actions of the manipulator is to ensure that the interlocutor cannot refuse, and this must be done. In the end, in the future, you can objectively assess the situation, draw a conclusion and offer your help again. If she is really needed, then in response there will be only gratitude.

Do not talk about weaknesses and shortcomings

The more the suspected manipulator knows about the weaknesses of the interlocutor, the more he can play a cruel joke with them, the more he can use this frank truth for his own purposes.

Find out the whole truth

You can come up and openly say "I know that you are trying to manipulate me, but I can not understand why." The chances of hearing the truth are extremely small, but even if the secret remains a secret, the manipulator will no longer attempt to control someone else's consciousness.

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