Suitable job. How to choose?

There is such an expression "the work of the fool finds", namely the "fool", who especially does not think about it. And for people who are prone to the eternal search for “themselves”, it is more difficult to find a worthy option: either the salary is not satisfactory, or the distance from home, or the women’s team is not very comfortable ... but you never know there are still flaws that I would not like to turn a blind eye to. After all, you want everything at once, but since this is extremely rare, you have to choose, as they say, the lesser of all evils.

This is not just about students who, having received a diploma, seek to find their first “worthy” option. There are so many cases when a person seems to be no longer a student, but has not found a good place. Somehow it didn't work out. By the way, have you watched how many people work in the specialty that they received at the university? Yes, almost no one, the percentage is negligible. Because many of us get education for the sake of education, but not for the sake of self-realization, and the latter, in fact, turns out to be more important than the rest.

Suitable job. How to choose?

Many strive to find their ideal option. At the same time, everyone uses their own methods: someone relies on the demand for a profession in today's world, someone follows the call of the heart - everything is different. It is important to remember that even if the job is prestigious and well-paid, but not loved, then it will be very difficult fall in love with such a job

On the other hand, if you do not have a specialization, i.e. you do not have valuable skills and are a “generalist” employee, then this is a big minus, because it is specialists in a particular niche that are valued on the market. interviewing, employers always pay attention to how many years you have worked in this particular specialty, because the value of an employee is in his acquired skills in a certain profile. Accordingly, if you are constantly changing the "twist for the soap", then the probability of making a decision in your favor decreases.

Which job is right for you

In order to hit the bull's-eye with a job choice, it is highly recommended to weigh some factors. Namely:

    Identify your true abilities and aspirations. What do you have the most passion for? All people are different: someone prefers active communication with others (this occurs in the profession of a consultant, teacher, journalist ..), who likes to work with equipment more, someone knits ... Different temperaments manifest themselves in different areas of activity. Assess the degree of your mastery of any skills. Perhaps it's time to realize yourself in what you have known for a long time and perform well. Sometimes it’s enough to see a new facet in the way things are familiar to you. Remember your dreams, what you were ever drawn to, but did not work out closely. At the same time, evaluate what strengths are in your character for the implementation of your plan and, in general, for the realization of your best aspirations. See what professions have the opportunity to realize all your best qualities and skills. You may need additional training or retraining, but all this is for the sake of realizing the potential inherent in you.

How to choose the best option available

The most difficult thing is to choose the best option from those that are offered to you at the moment. After all, everything matters: whether to go to the edge of the city every day, but get a good salary, or take a less paid job closer, but at the same time there will be time for classes with the child.

To make the right choice, sketch out a layout for yourself. In one column, write the pros of the proposed work, in the other, the cons. From the advantages available in the proposed work options, make a choice in favor of the positive moment that plays a more significant role for you today. For example, if for you a child and everything connected with him is the most important thing, then your work should not bind you hand and foot.

If the top priority for you is a good salary (for example, because you have to pay off a loan), then the choice will be obvious. If you decompose all the available options according to this principle, then it will become clear to you which one is the most suitable now.

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