How to find a job without experience

A career is what many women dream of today, if not to say everything, then certainly many women. It has become fashionable to have a prestigious profession, earn a lot of money and quickly move up the career ladder . But here’s how to start this very promotion, how to simply find a job without experience , if you don’t have any experience behind you yet, and dad is not a famous businessman, or even not a businessman at all, zero connections ... you can not continue.

First tip:

Do not despair and do not lose hope, because at first many were in a similar situation, but nothing, as they say, would be a desire, but there would be work.

Tip number two:

You want as many employers as possible to know about you. To do this, it is enough to post a resume on city portals in the "work" section or on sites specializing in work; for those living in small towns, newspapers of the corresponding subject are also good. It is also worth tensing up and sending out resumes to vacancies of employers posted on the same resources. The activity of a future employee always plays a plus for him: the employer is more likely to prefer the candidacy of someone who fusses himself, and does not wait for him to be called.

Tip number three:

When searching, get letters of recommendation if you have someone to get. Maybe you were a diligent and capable student, or there is an influential person in your environment whose opinion, perhaps, will be taken into account by others. And also use suggestions from friends about vacant jobs.

Tip number four:

Do not neglect any options, remember that you need experience, and where to get it, except at work. Therefore, consider vacancies for assistant managers, assistants, and more. Their salary, of course, is minimal, but you can get experience, a recommendation and an entry in the work book - and this is already a good help for a particular job. A similar approach is also good for those who have not yet received an education : working "on the sidelines" you can earn money for study and gain experience.

Tip number five:

When considering vacancies, do not be intimidated by a large list of requirements for a candidate. If you see that you know most of the required skills from the list of required skills, you can declare your candidacy. Sometimes management prefers to take a person with no experience for less pay, but who already knows something, rather than a specialist for a much larger amount. For this purpose, go to interviews .

And finally: never give up, everything is in your hands.

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